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I sprint behind my mom and the beta towards the hiding place. My mom ushers me into the tiny room. She kisses me on the forehead.

"I will be back very soon baby." My mom states in a shaky voice kissing my forehead once more before transforming into her cream-colored wolf. "I love you." My mom says through mind link.

"I love you too." I say back tears rolling down my face. The Beta closes the door as I hear running footsteps fade. I sit in the back corner of the small space. I hear feet rush by the door many times.

Someone opens the door I panic, push them away, and run out the door. They stumble backward from the shock. The man gathers his footing and growls at me. I transform into my black wolf which has a cream spot over my left eye. I growl back, the alpha scent radiating off of me. I can tell the man is signaling that they found a high rank. I take the advantage and tackle him to the floor, he struggles beneath me and I hear running. Paws on the floor, many paws, maybe three wolves, I get off the man as four men come around the corner.

"GET HER! SHE'S THE ALPHA'S DAUGHTER!" The man laying on the ground yells. The men in their wolf form chase me, as I run as fast as my legs will carry me.

I burst through the front door right onto the battlefield. I roll on the grass transforming back to my human form. I dart between fighting werewolves jumping over one of my pack members, I get tackled by one of the men following me.

I cry out from underneath the wolf and transform into my own wolf. I scratch and bite at his neck. The large man gets ripped from atop me quickly as someone attacks him. I stand and zig-zag in between fighting wolves once again.

I run through many more fighting wolves before reaching the dense forest. I dart in and out of the trees that have grown over many years. I sprint, feeling the cool breeze in my fur, dodging wolves that are now attacking from all angles. I look around, surrounded. I see an opening, take the chance, and dash towards the closing exit. I get tackled by a tan wolf with bloodstained fur around his muzzle. I place my hind paws upon the wolves stomach and begin to scratch furiously. My attacker nips my hind leg causing me to stop my attempts at removing him off of me. He growls at me as he slowly steps off of my chest and onto the grass.

I step towards the opening and a low growl emits from the tan wolf. He begins to transform into human form. Standing at around 5'10'' with titanium blond hair the man clears his throat loudly.

"Don't try to run." He slowly steps towards me. I growl slightly causing him to raise a confused eyebrow. "Is that a threat?" He says through gritted teeth. "How dare you act this way to your superior." The man places his hand on my back running his hand through my black fur. "You're such a pretty wolf, you know? Such a shame you can't be mine." He pauses shortly, crouching in front of me. "Oh, wait! You are mine!" The man smiles evilly placing his hand under my mouth.

Growling I launch myself forward so that I am upon the man. He chuckles lightly fear in his green eyes. I growl louder as I proceed to rip the throat out of my enemy. I hear many angry barks and growls as I look up from the man. Sprinting forward, ignoring everyone behind me, I get ahead of everyone and away from the enemy pack.

                                                                                       *1 hour later*

I lay down by the lake taking a small drink from the cool water before changing back into my human form. I rest quietly by the shore in the grass, looking out upon the trees on the other side. I slowly drift off into a deep sleep in the dull light of the setting sun.

~authors note~

I know its short but the chapters will get longer and better than this, but I wanted you guys to get a taste of her past.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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