Arriving At Camp.

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Hey guys!! Kay here!!

I made this new book, which I call Arrows.

Hope you enjoy it!!!


Aqua POV:
As I ran through the trees, I could have sworn I saw someone with blonde hair peek at me from behind a tree, but I just ignored it and kept running.

My name is Aqua Silver, I have long silver hair and golden eyes with silver around the edge.

I have a pet silver wolf, the rarest type of wolf, who follows me everywhere.

Her name is Silver Sparkle. I can talk telepathically to her.

I glanced behind me and saw Spark (as I call her) running along behind me.

Did you see that blonde girl? I asked Spark who just shook her head and padded along.

We kept running but soon it was to get dark, and I sat down with Spark and began to make a fire.

I sat by the fire on my blanket I carry everywhere and chew on an old piece of toast.

I look up at the sky and see the bright, shiny stars. They remind me of my home.

I frown as I think back.

Me and my sister, Maggie, play in the fields of our country house.

It was big and my dad stood on the porch, staring lovingly at us.

"Pass the ball, Aq!" My ginger haired sister yells. I throw the pink ball to her and she misses it.

It rolls towards the forest. "I'll get it!" I yell and run towards the forest.

It is dark.

I find the ball under a bush and pick it up.

I come back to to find my dad and sister dead.

I scream and my evil step mother comes out.

She screams and points and accusing finger at me.

"You evil little dog!" She yells and ran at me, fists flailing. One punched me in the stomach.

I cried and ran away as she went inside to call the police.

I have been running ever since.

I slowly drift to sleep.

I wake to Spark barking and a blonde girl staring at me.

"I'm Annabeth." Annabeth says and sticks out your hand.

"Aqua. Aqua Silver." I shake her hand and she gasps.

I raise my eyebrows at her.

"You must be the one!" She squeals. "Follow me!"

I decide I have nothing better to do and run after her.

We soon arrive at a camp which Anna says is Camp Half Blood.

I walk in and everyone stares at me.

Anna shows me around and everywhere I go people stare at me.

"You'll be staying here." Anna points to the Hermes Cabin, which she had shown to me before, and pushes me gently towards the cabin. "Until your parent marks you."

She had this look in her eye as if she she knew who my parent was but I didn't say anything and walked into the cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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