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It's was a quiet day in Magnolia. Maybe a little bit too quiet. Even the guild seem to be quiet.

Levy McGarden was walking down the street smiling. She was happy as she could ever but that was gonna change.

She didn't know it was all going down hill. Entering the guild she looked around for the love of her life. Having the best news to give him well at least she thought so. Instead of seeing her man sitting in his usual spot with his exceed laughing and drinking she looked around and saw sad faces everywhere. She was worried she went up to Mira and asked what was up.

Mira broke down she didn't know how to tell her. "Um....uh..." she was sobbing. Levy went to comfort her but was stopped by Lily who was in his battle form and he hugged her. "He's dead Levy he's gone." She tenses up at the words. She looked up and saw the Exceed was crying. She didn't wanna believe it she wouldn't believe it.

"No" she stated it couldn't be true . "Levy I'm s-" the Exceed started but was cut off by Levy pushing away from the hug. "No! It's not true your lying! No no! Your lying! He's not dead! You'll see!" She ran out the guild leaving everyone shocked and surprised but even more sad as they felt the guilt of not being able to save him. It wasn't there fault thought.

She ran all the way to the river stopped at the edge and cried. "He'll come back I know he will" she stared at the water and smiled softly. "He has to come back". She sat down putting her feet in the water holding her stomach. "He will come back".

Levy McGarden was in denial.

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