Sacrifices For Love ( Caroline and Damon )

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The devil was close she could feel him. She had to hurry wherever he was she knew that she didn't have time to lose. Her little girls were out there lost and afraid she couldn't even imagine all the evil things they had seen so far. Caroline tired to call for Bonnie's help but it was too late her best friend was hurt and Stefan, she couldn't even think of him now. Would he forgive her would he ever understand how much she loved him. Would he understand why she chose to be this way why she choose evil instead of losing her daughters. The streets of mystic falls were bright tonight. She could see the old mystic grill where she had spent all her nights at with Elena and Bonnie. She walked past so fast there was no way that she could do this she couldn't feel now she had to move forward. That is when she heard him, Calling her name "Caroline, Caroline" he was yelling and he wasn't alone she heard more screams this time from Alaric. She dashed past the streets and into the direction of the voices. That's when she saw him. Beautiful Stefan brown hair almost to perfect to be real. He stared at her , He looked as if he had not slept for days this almost shocked her he was a vampire how could he look so tired. There were bruises just below his eyes and blood coming down from his left eye. All she wanted to do was run into his arms and kiss him long and hard just like she had done at the steps of her family's summerhouse. But she knew she couldn't so she stood her ground and griped her fist together." Caroline, it's you i have been searching for you for weeks". She couldn't blink she knew he was looking for her but she had no idea how long and how hard. "Look" she said "i can't do this right now i have been ordered to do something and if i don't do it i will never get to see my girls again". "I know" he said "but that's why i am here we have been restless trying to find you and Damon, Caroline you don't need to do this" he said "you don't need to kill her". She couldn't believe what he was saying, anger rose up, "you don't understand i don't have a choice if i don't kill her they will be his forever i can't let that happen Stefan i love them why are you trying to stand in my way". Stefan blinked he loved her more than he ever thought he would love anyone he hated himself for allowing Caroline to get caught up in all this mess. "Caroline just come home i can help you we can get past this" he said.. Stefan stepped forward while she stepped back that's when Alaric appeared bloody as well. "Caroline" he was screaming he went to go run to her when she dashed away from him. "Stay away from me she said i know why you came i can't let you stop me i have to do this". Caroline there has to be another way. "Those are our girls Alaric" Caroline said "how could you not understand i'm doing it for them". "No Caroline he is lying to you and to Damon he already made Damon shut it off" . "Damon shut it off because he wanted to because he couldn't stand the idea of killing without thinking of Elena Caroline yelled that is why he shut it off" she yelled. "I don't want to do that i can't if i shut it off i don't care about anything and then the girls won't be safe i'm trying to protect them Alaric can't you see something that you couldn't do". "I did Caroline i did the best i could i love them just as much as you do but doing this killing their mother" he said. Caroline couldn't believe what he was saying there mother. "She is not there mother she is evil she is not the women who had those children i bared them i am their mother she just looks like one but she is evil"she yelled. 'I have to kill her to get them back or else i lose them to evil forever you are in my way i'm sorry i have to go". Just then Stefan dashed towards her and tried to pin her down. Was he crazy she had grown stronger from all the blood she had been drinking in the past few months human blood was not blood Stefan had he drinking when she first became a vampire but she had no choice that was part of the deal she had made with him with the devil. She had to feed until she drained them dry. Damon who had turned off his emotions had no problem doing it but there were times that Caroline couldn't do it. She throw Stefan on the floor Alaric came towards her as well he was trying to inject something into her blood maybe to put her to sleep. She was stronger than him and he stood no chance. She flipped him over and stuck the needle into his neck he became motionless and passed out. Stefan stood up pleading "Caroline please don't do this". Just than Damon came dashing by, he look concerned are you okay he asked. His eyes darted towards Stefan hello little brother why am i not surprised that you are here. Of course you would try to stop us. "Damon" Caroline said let's just go let's get out of here. "No" Damon said "why don't we have some fun". "No' Caroline said "he is your brother and you know as much as you would want to lie and deny how much that means to you , you won't be able to so before you go making a choice that you will regret let's go". Damon stared at Caroline he knew she was right he just couldn't bring himself to walk away but he knew what had to be done. He sighed "oh i hate that you kept your humanity its annoying that you still care'. "You care to Damon lets go" she said. Damon looked at Stefan and then at Caroline "let's get out of here". Caroline gave Stefan one last look before her and Damon dashed away.

Sacrifices for love ( Caroline and Damon )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora