Chapter 1- Abuse

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She woke up the same every day, with her face buried deeply into the moist, coffee stained pillow and her back stiff from the cement hard couch, both which she could not call her own. She would toss and turn asking herself should you get up? Maybe their happy today... Every day she wakes up to face her parents. The parents which she wished she didn't have to deal- her thoughts were interrupted with a pounding noise on the door

'Tayla! Get up! Your stupid dog is barking! You can't just sleep in all the time' It was her mum.

'I'm up' She sighed while rolling over onto her other side

'Hurry up and get down here!'

As she tried pulling her sorry body out of bed she smelt and heard the familiar sounds and smell of a Saturday morning in her household. The continuous yap of her dog Evie barking and the smell of her mums horrid cooking.

'SHUT UP!' She heard a whack and the cries of her dog making their way through the house. 'Stupid dog'

She raised her body from the couch and stretched her stiff and tired muscles. She stood up and walked over to her white dresser, where she contemplated which clothes she would wear that day. She didn't live in the richest family, so it was hard for her when it came to choosing clothes for the day. She had 4 drawers, one for undies and bras, one for shirts, one for shorts and one for her clothes which could actually be worn outside without people looking at her like she was homeless. She often thought what it would be like to live in a wealthy or even moderately wealthy household. To have clothes which fit her, to have parents who loved her or even a cell phone which would turn on.

'Hurry up in there! We're waiting for you' She quickly looked back down at what she was doing. Getting dressed. She looked through her draws and decided on a pair of ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt which had a slight hole under the arm pit-to be honest with you, it was one of her better shirts. She slipped on some socks and ran out the door, down the hallway and half way down the stairs where her parents stopped her.

'Sorry, what did you want me for?' she looked up

'Don't be disrespectful' Her dad stepped forward

'sorry, good morning dad and mum, what did you want me for?'

'vacuum, mop then do your animals. We don't want to hear from you till you're done' Her dad spit out

'oh, and you have to eat' Her mum announced

She continued down the stairs where her mini poodle jumped up onto her legs. She slid her hand under her poodle's butt and scooped her up into her arms

'good morning beautiful girl. Mummy loves you more than life itself' Evie was a 12-year-old miniature poodle which belonged to Tayla. She was the one thing in life which she thought understood her. Evie couldn't talk but at least she could pretend she understood her. When Tayla was 5-years-old her mum and dad treated Tayla like they loved her. Before her brother came along, her mum and dad surprised Tayla by taking her to a puppy farm where she became united with Evie. They spoilt her and cuddled her but then her brother came along and everything stopped and the love disappeared.

'You need to teach that dog to shut up. It wakes us up every morning'

'it's not her fault. She doesn't know any better' She bent down and released the dog back onto the floor and walked over to the table which was covered in papers and pieces of fruit. 'The bench is so messy, cant you clean it?'

'Don't tell me what to do. I will get around to my cleaning' Tayla hated the mess, all she wanted was a clean house. She wanted a 'tumblr' house (well that's what she called it). A house which looked like its from a magazine. A house which was modern. Tayla could never have that while living in her household because her mum was recently diagnosed with a hoarding disorder which meant where she lived could never be clean. Her mum kept everything that was possible to keep. Tayla's family had a room which they called 'bedroom 4' it was a room where the door could not be opened and if you did get it open, you would have piles of junk fall on top of you. One night 2 years ago, Evie decided to go on a journey through bedroom 4...Tayla couldn't find her for days until one afternoon she heard a yelp coming from the room. Tayla was forced to dive into the mess, losing her shoes (which she still hadn't found), to retrieve her dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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