Chapter 1

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It was the start of third year and as always i had to be taken by the malfoy's ever since he "died" in first in second year i had to be taken everywhere with the malfoy's i wasn't legally their daughter thank god for that but i feel like my father is going to be coming back obviously  , he always seemed to come back but was i the only one who knew that he couldn't be killed? he could only be killed by Harry Potter and nobody knows that but me and my father because nobody has seen the Phophrecy but it didn't really matter to me whoever killed who that's the end of the story.

"Don't get into any trouble especially you draco" Mr Malfoy said 

Then it was almost 11 so we had to get on board quickly or else we would have missed the train like Harry and Ron did last year, there was only one empty conpartment left so i had to sit there. Alone. With draco, could this morning get any worse? 

" I honestly don't understand how your not a weasly Riddle" draco says

"There's alot of difference's Malfoy" i say

" And they are.." he says'

d" You still  could be a weasly riddle" Draco says

" We are seriously-" i got cut off the train went dark and it slowly started stopping 

"AHHH" Draco screamed and ran away from our conpartment i went chasing behind him and he was in Fred and George's conpartment 

"You okay Malfoy?" Ginny asked while draco ran panting into the conpartment

"You nearly" Fred said

"Wet yourself" finished george 

"What is that?" ginny said pointing at something behind me 

i turned around and a weird shadowy figure was facing me and then my body went cold and i heard a man screaming in agony and it all went black 

I felt someone calling my name

"Faith? Faith?" a voice asked 

i then opened my eyes 

" Fred? What happened?" i asked

"Those things called" Fred said

"Dementors, sucked your" George continued

"Soul and then" Fred said 

"You fainted and" George said 

"Now your awake" said fred

"Take this a proffesor said you should eat it" George said  

i ate it and i did feel better 

"Are we at hogwarts? " i ask

"Close, maybe you should get into your robes Faith" Ginny said 

I went back into my conpartment grabbed my robe from my suitcase and went to the bathrooms and changed into my robes , i walked out of the bathroom and bumped into a person

"Blimey Riddle i forget you are a slytherin" Blaise said

"Just try to be more careful Blaise" i say

I walk back into my conpartment and sit down Draco was sitting down we were almost getting there 

"Were almost there so i'm going to try and get a headstart" Draco 

He grabbed his suitcase and stood in front of the door of the conpartemt

"Malfoy that's not a good idea" I say

"W-" draco got cut off because the train halted to a stop that was too quick and draco fell to the ground 

"That's why" i said I grabbed my bags and walked out of the door 

I had a preety rough schedule it was nearly the same as hermione's but she had way more classes but hermione even said that Proffesor Mcgonnogall was going to give us something to help us with the classes i really wondered what it was 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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