
18 2 0

We've all been cursed
It's no surprise
because hell is empty
Every demon is here on earth
Every smile leads to my demise

You're in love with the idea of being in love

It wasn't day
It wasn't night
Why did I ever think any of this could be right
Maybe last night wasn't even real and
you're just a figment of my ideas
Ideas that spark a seed in me
Ideas that make me want to flee

So I'll light a fire in you
You'll try to put it out
sprinkle water on the grass
But you let me pluck it
So when its creation lives on
Will it grow?

Take a seed
Plant it in me
Watch it grow
Water it every now and then
Watch it thrive
Watch as it dies

You're the one that let me dry
Wither and die
Wither and die
Wither and die
Laugh at the pain
Watch me die
I don't even cry

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