Her Last Breath

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" I never wanna take that final look,

I’ll turn another page

Wont close the book. ♥ " 

- Demi Lovato 

Do you believe in faith? Do you believe that sometimes we meet people that were meant to be part of our lives? Do you believe that someone does not just walk into your life by hazard? Do you believe that some of the people in your life are here for a reason? 

I do. 

That's why I decided to write that story. 

When Niall and Demi met, on a cold night, in a dark alley in London, they had no idea how much they would become important to each other within weeks. They had no idea that they would go through so much together. They had no idea they would fall in love so rapidly. 

But love does not wait. Love hits you, wheter you are ready or not. Love comes into your life at the least expected moment, and it hits you. There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. 

By the circumstances in which they met, they have no doubt that they were meant to meet at some point of their lives. How far will that relationship go? 

Hope you will enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoy writing it. 


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