ER Visits and Takeovers!!!!

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I was asked why tf I'm here and I have permission to tell you why...

I had a riding (horses you dirty minded children) lesson today  with Belle. Belle the idiot she is managed to fall off a horse and after getting up and grabbing the horse, started coughing. This is normal bc she has Asthma and got the breath knocked out of her. She got on and did the jump again ((( without falling this time))) then got off. When her trainer asked why she was crying and her face was scratched up. Bad. She said she couldn't breathe, her head hurt, and she was dizzy. Katrina (trainer) called her mom and when her mom got there I was taking care of my horse. Her mom handed me her phone and told me Belle wanted me to take over everything bc she has streaks in Snapchat and suicidal friends that need someone to talk to.  Then they went to the hospital bc
1) Belle doesn't cry from pain unless somethings broken

2) Belle wouldn't hand her horse over to anyone. Ever. That's her baby (watch out boys, she values the horse more than she values relationships😊)

When they got to the hospital Belle texted me from her mom's phone and she'll be in the hospital for a few more hours at least so here I am.

---Cambell was here---

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