Chapter 1 - Luke Ryder

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"Quit struggling, boy", the officer's raspy voice echoed in my ear. I had heard those words before.I had heard them spoken by my doctors, my teachers, my friends, my parents. I knew his attempts to break free of the metal cuffs on my wrists were futile but this only made my fight worthwhile. But just like the cuffs, my condition was a daily reminder that I wouldn't go down without a hell of a fight.

"For the love of God, kid! Sit down!" The officer shoved me down on the nearest bench; conveniently next to the pretty little brunette I'd been eyeing the entire time I had been making a scene in the station.

I fidgeted in my seat very aware of the girl's deep blue eyes transfixed on my face. I couldn't help but smirk, I was used to this kind of attention. As much as I would love to stay and chat, I had to plan my escape before the station started asking questions on what I was doing with the Radley gang...again.

Yet every idea I summoned in my mind was just as useless as fighting the handcuffs strapped around my  wrist. Damn it. I could be out of here before they even realized I was gone if not for fucking Detective West. The detective made sure the officer that arrested me searched me for his lock picks.

Now that I was stuck, it wouldn't hurt to talk to the girl next to me. She was pretty, in an unconventional way. Her hair was a deep shade of auburn, almost red and was styled in big, sexy curls that I couldn't help but notice. Soon her deep sea eyes met his and I grinned like a wolf, stalking his prey.

I looked her up and down and noticed she was neatly sitting on her hands unlike mine, which were tied up in cuffs. "Funny, usually when I'm alone with a girl it's the other way around."I lifted my  hands up to show her what I meant. I expected her to slap me or blush but instead her face remained blank.

She studied him intently. Picking up on every detail she could. His dark hair was brushed to the side and she noted that it could probably be cut by now. He had startling coffee brown eyes that were sharp but wore a look of exhaustion and possibly defeat. Sure, he was attractive but she was never one to be persuaded solely by looks. He fiddled with his hands like he was missing something and a pang of guilt washed over her. She hated that the cops were ordered to never have her wear handcuffs.

"So what'd you do?" his deep voice shocked her back to reality. "Vandalism. You?" she spoke at last, her voice begging him to challenge her. He glanced at the paint all over her arms and legs and knew she was telling the truth.

"Sweetheart don't you know where that'll take you in life?"I  crooned, edging closer to her despite being restricted by my  bound wrists. I smiled as she straightened up and the goose bumps rising on her arms hardly went unnoticed.I barked my a cruel laugh.

"And you? What did you do?" Her stern face almost made me laugh again but I resisted. Instead I inched closer till we were almost touching and whispered in her ear, "Meet me outside in ten minutes and I'll show you."

She blushed deeply, her face heating but all she did was whisper back, "Are you planning on fucking murdering me?" This time I couldn't hold back my laughter, which unfortunately got the attention of my favorite person in the world, Detective Steve Sunshine West.

"Fucking hell. Pete can you do nothing? Get him in the interrogation room... away from her", the detective yelled at the officer who had brought me in. Pete unlocked me from the bench and forced me  to his feet. "Ten minutes",I winked at the girl who couldn't help but smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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