My life

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I'm BlueCheese Bella. Soft on the outside but hide something in the inside. My owners name is Mom. I love my pack members. There's my brother that Mom calls Sweetie. Sweetie has two names, Aaron, and of course, Sweetie. His friends call him Aaron. But I like to call him Sweetie because Mom does too. It's only me, Sweetie, and Mom. We may be a small pack but I think our pack is perfect. Just the three of us. A perfect balanced triangle. One thing I don't like is, well... I'm different. I'm super tiny and they're bigger than me. I just want to be respected the same as them. But I think I'm not because I'm the Runt of the pack. I don't want to be a runt. Everyone in the pack has a purpose, Mom cooks, and Sweetie picks up things even though he groans every time. But me... I do nothing. And I want a purpose too! Mom is the Alpha, and a Hunter. She brings home food in loaded loud bags. Sweeties a Beta, and I guess a seeker. Me, I don't know. But I think I'm possibly the Omega. The lowest rank.

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