I Hate You

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"A clone? In Himawari's Birthday? Again?"

"It's okay oniichan..." Himawari murmured, but she looked down in sadness after they stared at the ruined cake in horror and disbelief in Boruto's part.

"I'm sorry, Himawari-chan," Hinata said as she hugged her daughter --thankful that her daughter didn't cry this time, "please understand that even if your daddy is very busy, he still cares. See? He even made an effort to be here with us. He always does." She reassured her.

Himawari only nodded and stared at the ruined cake. Her lips tug up to a small smile as she thought about how her dad's clone had tripped, fell and his face splat on her birthday cake before poofing out.

Unlike last time. That one was so painful. But she didn't cry... not much. She was a brave girl and she didn't want to make her mom more sad than she already was.

Boruto was another story though.

"It's not okay. This is his fifth time poofing out on us. It's not fair for us, especially Himawari! Heck, he probably forgot it's even today that's why he sent that clone instead of himself!"

Himawari stood up and faced her brother, "Oniichan! I said it's okay!" She exclaimed, "I'm already eight! He knows that and I know he's happy and I know that he knows that....that..."

Boruto curled his hands to a fist. "Don't even try Himawari." He uncharacteristically growled at his sister, "This hokage business of his is ruining our family."

"Oniichan! it's okay." Himawari pressed on.

Boruto was having none of it, "Why can't he just stay home like a normal dad? He already had us before he even became a hokage, right? Why can't he just quit? "

"We've already talked about this Boruto." Hinata warned her son.

Boruto continued anyway, "Oh that's right, it's because he doesn't have any parents that--"


Hinata immediately stood up to answer the phone.

"This is the Uzumaki residence, Hinata speaking, who is this?....Oh."

Both Boruto and Himawari stared at their mom as she speaks to the phone in hushed tone after learning who the caller was. Though seeing as their mom was softly smiling at this time of the day, it only meant one thing.

As if on cue, a jingle was heard, then a soft click, before the door opened revealing Naruto (the actual, not poofing Naruto) with an averaged size gift box under his arm. He smiled as he hold out the box to Himawari,
"Happy Birthday, Himawari-chan."

Himawari squealed and ran to their father, teary eyed, laughing at the same time as she hugged her dad. Hinata walked up to him and welcomed him home. Boruto stayed in his spot.

He always promised to come to our birthdays. To any special event. But...

Naruto looked at his son, already knowing that he disappointed him yet again. But it didn't stop him from inviting Boruto into a hug.

It’s always his clones that's coming back to us.

Boruto didn't move and just glared hard at his father. Naruto sigh and took a step towards his only son.

Not his actual self.

"Bolt, I-"

It's not fair.

"I hate you."

Naruto stood there, hurt and shock, as Boruto ran upstairs to his bedroom and slammed his door. He didn't come out when his father and Himawari knocked on his door, or when his mom did. She came back again though, he guessed it was after she made Himawari and their dad go to sleep as he heard their bedroom close earlier that night.

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