To Hermes

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Hermes I call, Olympus's messenger swift
With Wiley ways, the artful tongue Thy gift
Skilled in many arts, who in  contests delights
Friend of man and protector of rights
With winged feet you swiftly fly
Moving the soul in the realm divine
Psychopomp, gentle guide of souls
Who through the dark realms, our fear consoles
Holy Bearer of the kyrikion
Divine child of Zeus, and Maia's son
Bless me with Truthful speech I pray
And skilful communication that I may convey
Words that are Just, and with wisdom aligned
With lucid thought endow my mind
And with the power of memory may I be blessed
Hail Blessed Hermes, freer of the oppressed,
Skilled in commerce, of negotiation skills the Lord
From whom we know the pen mightier than the sword
Assist me in my works, oh Blessed One
And conclude my life with peace, when my work is done

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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