The Choosing Day

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Picture of Lilly up at the top!


" LILY " I heard my little sister
corra screaming from behind me I turn to find her arm pierced with a bullet hole and blood pouring from the new pierced wound.
I go and lift her into my arms to take her to safety but it was too late the prince showed with his beautiful deadly face and bright blue eyes that would make you fall into a trance. I didn't know why I had thought this of him because from all the horrible things he has done to this land that belonged to his own he should be hated but I could not do it. That was until what I saw them do just now to my little sister the only person left in my life that I can trust, that I love, and that I had sworn to protect. After seeing the horror that the prince could cause I panicked and put my little sister on the floor before looking into his eyes that led me to see his deadly soul. He turned to face his guards with a small smirk on his face and I broke. That glance made me move toward him with my tiny hands clentched into the tightest fights that I could make without having my long nails peirce my skin. Before my hands could cause any damage he lifted me and threw me onto the floor and I could hear Corra screaming and grunting either from the pain or from seeing them hurt me.
"Your fiesty aren't you," He said smirking away. That comment got me more frustrated and got me the will to get up causing my raggedy clothed pants to drag on the floor. It happend so quickly that my body took control of me and I did something I have never thought that I could ever do. I had tackled the prince to the ground and began to claw him with my sharp uncut nails which caused him to scream in agony. After his face started to bleed his gaurds came and pulled me away.
"I have chosen," The prince declares.
"What do you mean your honor of what have you choosen?" one of his guards asks while walking toward the prince.
"I have chosen my new victim of this times choosing, I will teach her how to fight properly, then fight her and after the fight take her life like I do to every other," The prince replied looking pleased with his newly made choice. I gasped trying not to let my cowerdness show, " You come here shoot my little sister for a reason that I have not yet to understand which causes me to get angry and fight you. Then you choose to fight and kill me, what type of prince are you better question what type of person are you! Just because you are a ruler does not mean you can treat other people around you like fun game peices!" I shouted while looking at how he would respond but the only thing he said was, "My guards will come to fetch u at this time this spot tomorrow and if u decide not to show I will kill you but in this death will be a slow and painful death so please just come at the time and to this place that I have told u to come to!" He stated firmly and I only nodded in agreement while picking up my sister to take her home before she bleeds to death.

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