Don't hear

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I had the perfect life. I had a wonderful girlfriend, wonderful job, and a wonderful 2 year old son. I lived in a house just outside of London. It was beautiful. It was huge, nice, beautiful on the outside and inside, but also simple. It was our dream home. The only problem was... there was a lot of creepy shit happening. Everything was fine until about 2 weeks after we moved in. It started with my girlfriend having some horrific nightmares. Each night she would wake up at 3:01 in the morning. That exact time every night. However, she never said what the nightmares were about. Then, she started sleep talking. She would repeatedly say "don't taste, don't smell, don't feel, don't see, don't hear." then she'd wake up screaming and it'd always be 3:01. I suggested that she go to counseling after her nightmares started affecting her everyday life. She refused. Then one night, we both couldn't sleep so we were downstairs sleeping. We started to hear our son cry over the monitor. Right as we were going to go upstairs to check on him... the monitor went static. We looked at the clock and it read 3:01AM We heard a voice on the monitor say something. It was a man's low pitch voice. It was hard to make out what he was saying... but then we figured it out.

"Don't taste, don't smell, don't feel, don't see, don't hear."

If you're reading this right now, I hope you know that this could happen to you. Just beware... that maybe it's the sound of your phone going off... or maybe it's a knock at your door... but you never know... what your going to hear next... it could just be... the horrible voice that I heard...

Believe me

Don't end up like me... you don't wanna be telling your story from the prison cell that I'm in.


You don't wanna hear me. I'm not who you think I am...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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