Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Your POV

You feel dizzy and nauseous as you walk through the alleyways of Magnolia. The sun beat down on you, soaking into your fur and causing you to overheat. The woozyness intensified and you stumbled, tripping over your own paws. You hadn't had water in almost two days, and had gone longer without food. You could have asked someone for help, but your pride kept you from doing so. How stupid of you. What makes matters worse is that it's the hottest day of the year and your fur is black, which attracts more sunlight than you would like, and you were so low on magical energy that your wings were useless.  Eventually you couldn't go on, and just lay down in an alley. You had fallen, and didn't think you could get back up.

Natsu's POV

I stood looking at the job fliers on the request board until one caught my eye.
     "Bandits are raiding our town, please send help..." I said to myself. "Hey Happy! How 'bout this one!" I exclaimed excitedly.
     "Looks good to me! And plus, it's only one town over, which means we won't have to ride the train." He told me
     "Thank God..." I sighed in relief, glad I didn't have to ride that death machine on wheels. "We'll leave tomorrow morning, but let's head over to Lucy's house to see if she wants to join us." I walked out the guild doors and down the street.
     "Hey Natsu, how about we cut through an alley to get there faster? It's pretty late..." Happy said quietly.
     "Sure, why not?" I shrugged my shoulders. We turned into an alleyway. About halfway through however, something caught my eye, and Happy's ears pricked up, like he heard something.
     A small lump lay on the ground, solid black an very still. Without dragon senses, you might have mistaken it for a trash bag. I walked towards it and gasped. Happy's eyes widened in surprise and shock. A pitch-black Exceed lay on the ground, unconscious.  I kneeled beside it and lightly shook it to see if it would wake up. No such luck.
     I couldn't just leave it here, so I wrapped it in my scarf and carried back in the direction of the guild. Hopefully Wendy could heal it.

Happy x Exceed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now