Chapter 1

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"Louis please I am literally begging you," I whine, following him down the stairs into the kitchen with my best friend Carson. "Consider it a birthday present, like the best one you could ever give me."

Louis holds his hands to his head, massaging his temples. "Gigi, I had to practically force management to let you come with me. How the fuck am I supposed to ask for your friend too?" He questioned.

"Language, Louis," Mum scolded softly while stirring the food she was preparing for my party later tonight. "Sorry Mum."

"Wow. Gigi's 'friend' Louis? I thought we were a little closer than that," Carson said softly, helping Pheobe and Daisy with the yellow decorations.

"Oh Car, my darling, I'm sorry, I love you, I didn't mean to offend you. You are also one of my beloved sisters, management just doesn't understand our bond," Louis explains, kissing her forehead.

"Louis! Carson can't stay here for nearly 6 months without me you know that!" I pointed out. Louis just sighed as Carson looked back to fixing the decorations. Carson's adoptive parents aren't horrible to her well-being, more to her mental state. They give her a bed to sleep in and food to eat but they regret taking her in, and have been waiting to get rid of her for 18 years, giving her the mindset that she is a burden for everyone.

Her real family is with the Tomlinsons.

"Mum please, help me out," I plead. "Louis," she sighs after a while, "Would it kill you to just ask?" Louis looks at Carson who is pretending not to listen. "Don't forget its my birthday," I sing-song.

"Carson," Louis says after a long while. "Please, don't get your hopes up too high, I would hate to see this go wrong and you be crushed." Carson just nods without looking up as Louis grabs his phone and heads to the back patio.

"Oh Car," I sigh sitting at the table next to her. She's usually not this quiet, more rambunctious and filled with energy. She just really wants to go on this tour.

We talk for almost 10 minutes about how we miss touring all of America, how exciting tour was going to be ("for you at least Gigi") and how we were lowkey super excited to meet 5 Seconds of Summer.

I kept eyeing the back door waiting for Louis to come in. "Gigi... please, don't get your hopes up that much babes. Nothing like this ever happens in my life." Carson pleads, taking hold of my hand. "Oh shut up, Carson! Your best friend is the one and only Gigi Anne Tomlinson! Your life is the most interesting one out there!" I screech, fake offended. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're a wild one G."

I was about to say something back when the door opened up.

Louis let out a big sigh as he sat down in front of me and across from Carson. My heart sunk down to my stomach while tears pricked my eyes and Carson bit her lip in understanding.

"They said that they had planned for Barbara Pavlin, Niall's girlfriend, to be a long term thing and come with us on tour," Louis explains. Carson furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Wait didn't they break it off like right after New Years?"

Of course Carson would know because she was part of the reason, that hoe.

Louis breaks out into a cheeky grin. "Exactly. That means there is an open seat throughout tour that a little Miss Carson Knight now occupies."

"NO FUCKING WAY!" I scream standing on my chair. Carson just screams, joining me. "WE'RE GOING ON TOUR TOGETHER!" we scream in unison as Louis covers his ears. "Best birthday present ever!"

Mum walks into the kitchen and Carson immediately runs up and spins her in a circle. "Oh my goodness thank the Lord!" Mum squealed. Louis and I run up and have a group hug.

"How are we a part of this family?" We hear Daisy ask Pheobe, while Snapchatting our excitement.

"Gigi! I need to pack!" Carson says as we all finally calm down a little bit. "Oh my goodness you're right!" I scream, grabbing the keys to my yellow Jeep. "We'll be back!"

~Carson's POV~

When we arrive at the house I tell Gigi to go to my room, not wanting her to have to sit through the drama that may or may not go down, depending on how chill my parents are today.

I walk into the living room where my adoptive mother and father, Charlene and Paul are sitting and watching a movie.

"Oh you're back," Charlene says, uninterested. "Hey kid, whats going on," Paul says trying to act like he wants me there. "I really need to talk to you guys about something." I tell them

Paul pauses the movie, and Charlene groans before they both turn their attention to me. "What do you want this time girl?" she spits bitterly.

"No money, I swear, just permission," I stutter. "As you know Louis is going on the Where We Are world tour. And he is taking Gigi and now asked if I would come too."

"You're absolutely insane," Charlene scoffs, reaching for the remote. "Charlene, please I am begging you. It comes as no cost to you and I'll be out of your hair for 6 whole months." I plead. Paul raises his eyebrows, "If she's gone for 6 months she'll be 18 before she comes back, we won't have to take care of her anymore," he whispers, trying to not let me hear, but failing.

"Okay, Carson. Fine," Charlene rolls her eyes. "Make sure to clear your room completely."

"Yes! Oh my gosh, thank you!" I praise, running to my room. Gigi took the two suit cases I own down from my closet. "It's not enough," she wines. "G, all my stuff can fit in the small one!" I argue. "Nuh uh! Not the stuff from Gemma and the clothes you steal from me that are at my house!"

This is true... "G, trust me we'll just pile our stuff together and share everything, trust me we'll have enough space." I assure her.

We put all my pictures, clothes, trophies and various other things I needed to officially move out of this hell hole in the suitcases before taking them to the car.

"Oh, Charlene, I need my birth certificate and passport." I tell her before leaving. She pauses the movie again and runs to her room before coming out with a file folder and a small box. "This is your information, and this," she opens the box, "Is all the stuff that you had at the orphanage."

I handed the files to Gigi and took the box in my hands. I had never seen any of these items before in my life. As I shifted through my old baby clothes, I found a piece of jewelry. A gold locket in which there was a picture of me as a baby, probably the only picture of me as a baby, and a piece of paper, written on it, "Love, Mom."

"You've had these for 18 years?" Gigi fumed, taking the box. "They weren't important," Paul brushed off. "Maybe not to you!" Gigi screeched. "Thank you both for everything," I say quietly. "Good riddance," I hear Charlene mumble as she pushes me out the door. "The feeling is mutual BITCH!" Gigi screams at the closed door.

"I've been wanting to say that to her since I met you in that little sandbox at the park," Gigi says as she pulls out of my driveway. "Gigi, we were like 4. I'm pretty sure you didn't even know what a bitch was back then!" I laugh.


The person at the top is who we imagine for Gigi also its 4 in the morning and I might die :)

I hope you all don't hate me and Graceson at this point. It has been two years since we have written Perks and instead of building it up, we tear our little house apart and rebuild it. BUT do not fret for we are back (hopefully for good) and this version is so much better I swear. And for our old readers, none of this may seem familiar but it gets there i swear.

thank you so much for reading!

Xx -Ali

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