Chapter 1

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I've never liked change. Whenever my family moved, I wouldn't talk to anyone for at least a week. My family couldn't help it though, my parents were in the military and got stationed somewhere new almost every year. That's why I've never bothered trying to make friends. I knew that as soon as I made some, it'd be time for me to say goodbye.

This time was different though.

The summer of my Junior year, my family got orders to move to Malibu, California, my whole family was estatic that we'd be moving somewhere hot and beachy. I, on the other hand, was extremely unpleased because I was finally getting used to Nebraska. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a struggle trying to get me to go. Every fiber in my body wanted to completely be done with the constant moving, and go live with my grandma. One can only imagine how my parents would react though.

Now here I was, leaning on my dads black pick up truck, looking over at my new house with a cold glare.

"Listen Giavonna, I know how much you hate moving, but glaring at the new house isn't gonna make it any better." My mom spoke sternly, trying to get her point across.

"I'm not glaring at it trying to make it better, I'm doing it so maybe the heavens will get the memo and strike the house down. I don't think it's working though." I sighed, looking up at my annoyed mom.

"Whatever, just lose the attitude and go pick out a bedroom before your brothers beat you to it."

After several complaints, I finally obliged and made my way inside to pick out a room. I didn't care if it was big, I just wanted some space to myself.

I ended up picking out the bedroom with a balcony facing the ocean. I suppose that's a perk of living on coast of Malibu. I placed the box down by the wall, and took in the smell of the ocean.

'ok maybe I could get used to this'

The rest of the day consisted up boxes, boxes, and oh! More boxes. My brothers were showing off their nonexistent muscles to every girl who walked by our house. They would deliberately grab the heaviest box they could find, then flex. Whats worse about it all is that the girls actually bought it! One of them even gave them her number. All I could do is just stand there and internally judge them.

"Gigi, could you do me a favor?" I heard my father call. I walked over to see him with a trash bag in his hand.

"Dad I told you to stop calling me Gigi. Gia or Giavonna. Pick one and stick with it."

"Thank you Gigi, and while you're at it, move the trash bin to the curb." He smiled at me, ignoring my request.

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the bag from his grip and walked outside. It felt like hell, literally. I could fry an egg on my sidewalk if I wanted to! All my thoughts suddenly disappeared when I saw someone walk out of the house next to mine.

It was a boy; and a hella hot one at that. He was shirtless, not muscular, but toned. He had dark brown messy hair, and a jawline that could cut through anything. Not lying, he looks like a tumblr guy.

"Are you checking me out?" I heard a deep voice ask. I look up to see him standing right in front of me. What the fuck! When did Mr.Hotterson get there?

"Uh noo" I lied, "I was looking at your lawn, there was a really fat squirrel trying to climb a tree." The more I look at him, the hotter he gets; and oh god his eyes are so green!

"Ok sure, you're the new neighbor correct?" He smirked, I swear to the gods above my heart stopped.

"Y-yes that's right. What's your name?" I asked awkwardly. Why the hell was he so tall? Or am I short? Ugh I'm so conflicted!

"The name is Damien DiLuca. What's yours?"

"Giavonna Ryder"

"Pleasure to meet you neighbor." He shook my hand. "Anyway, I have to go back inside, my friends are waiting for me. See you soon?"

"Uh definitely, we live right next to each other right?" I laughed

    "Yup! Anyway, see you soon Gigi Ryder!"

     "What the shit!?"


HEYUUU  this is my first everr story. This chapter was short but I promise it will get better as time goes on and my writing skills improve. Also! dont be afraid to correct my grammer or leave some constructive criticism in some of the comments! Alrighty buhh bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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