A Promise At Midnight

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It was the middle of the night, and Hiyori was roused from sleep by a strong sweet scent that was distinctly Yato. She caught onto his scent - the strangely saccharine fragrance that was almost intoxicating hit her hard and she found herself inhaling deeply in order to hold onto it, savor it. What a nice dream, Hiyori thought sleepily and she smiled. The fragrant scent enveloped her, and she thought it odd how soothing his scent always was to her. Yato smelled like flowers, gardenias to be exact (her favorite flower) and like the Earth, rich and heady. She sighed - she hadn't thought that she could dream his smell so accurately – so strongly.

Wait –

Hiyori didn't think that dreams came with scents, or at least hers usually didn't. Which meant…

Her eye twitched and she sat up in bed.

Yato, it's 2 in the morning! Why are you in my room?!

She sniffed the air and accurately pinpointed him standing in the corner of her bedroom as he leaned against the wall. He froze when their eyes met and to his credit actually looked a little guilty about being caught.

Oh? Is it really that late? He asked, laughing boisterously – a little too loud. I didn't even realize! You're so sharp, Hiyori!

Is that so?

"Of course!"

"So, you just happened to drop by my room at a time when most normal people are sleeping?"


Even though I was asleep?

I only just got here!

Hiyori massaged her temples and groaned. He was really a terrible liar, and she was amazed that he even bothered to try to stick with this story. She regarded him carefully – his hands were shoved into the pockets of his jersey and he refused to meet her eyes. He looked adorably embarrassed, which she found amusing because Yato was never flustered about anything even though he frequently did and said things without a second thought that made her cringe for him.

This certainly wasn't the first time that she had caught him in her room. Ever since they had started dating he'd become even clingier (which Hiyori found unbelievable to begin with) and while she'd initially found his desire to be with her sweet, the constant phone calls and text messages were becoming bothersome. Also, waking up to find him crouched down in the corner of her room watching her sleep wasn't nearly as endearing as a romance novel that she had recently read made it out to be.

Yato, you can't keep doing this.
Hiyori said tersely.

I know that you're my boyfriend but you should let me know before you just pop over, okay?

Yato seemed to shrink into himself even more at her words, slumping over.

You weren't responding to my messages so I…

You thought you'd just come over?
She finished for him and decided not to tell him that she muted her phone because the constant string of messages would keep her up. She saw him sigh and nod, still staring away from her, as though the wall was incredibly interesting.

You're Yato's first!
Kofuku had told her when they had come to her school before after asking her to try to be understanding of Yato's sudden clinginess. She was the first human to actively remember that he existed and while she didn't know what that felt like to be like air, floating in and out of people's memories – she did understand what it felt like to be lonely.

And Yato had loneliness in abundance from what she saw.

Hiyori frowned and pursed her lips before moving over to make room in her bed. Why did her conscious have to always berate her?

yato x hiyori lemonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن