The Start

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SBS building in a mess its the final episode of Produce 101, all stylists m, makeup artists, everyone has to be ready because the broadcast will be live.
Its 4 AM, my alarm is ringing....

Rina: " I hate my life why did i because a stylist,, ahhh i wanna sleep more please".
But reality hits me so hard, i get up took a shower wear my best comfortable clothes because i know this going to be a long day.

Hyorin(a stylist with me on the show)
Hyorin: "Good morning beautiful, I think you need coffee sleeping beauty, Here i bought you Caramel Late ".
Rina:" Thank you Unnii you saved my life, i should wake up the boys will be here soon".
Hyorin:" Today your going to focus only on Jihoon ok. I know you've been going around fixing everyone clothes, but today you are Jihoon stylist only.
Rina:" So im only working with him today , do we have a lot of stylists to take care of the other boys?"
Hyorin:" Why do u care, just do your job.Ooh they are here, Make sure everything is ready".

I saw Jihoon coming to our way. " Good morning Jihoon, im your stylist today.You can go do your rehearsal first then comeback here we will be waiting for you".

(I have worked in Produce101 from the first day, im actually a stylist that fixes everyone, but since today is the last broadcast everything changed. Jihoon is the type of guys who doesn't talk much, if i told him something he will be just yeah , ok , thank you. I don't even think he notice me, well im just a stylist why would he. )

After rehearsals he came back, hair tame started with his hair then makeup team, lastly he came to me. " Hello, so are my clothes ready"?
Rina:" Yes yes, here please go chang".
" Is this not my pants, its large, Did i loss weight?"
I stepped out from the clothing room, Rina-sshi Are these my pants, are u sure?

Rina:(Did he knew my name , why Sshi... am i old im just 4 years older🌚) Then I came back to reality.
Rina: " Yes im sure, is everything okay?"
Jihoon: " No! they are large on me, could you get me smaller size?"
Rina: " Jihoon, These the only clothes i have , i can't give you the trainees pants because they are all here"
I started to panic because nothing like this happened before and today is a live broadcast i can't let this happen.
Rina: " Ok ill make them smaller, could you wait 30 minutes?"
Jihoon: " Sure".

I took the pants to the workshop to make it smaller.
The worker: " I have a lot of work, i will finsh it in 1 hour."
Rina:" No please i need this now, please please i will give you double the price, okk".
After 20 minutes i got back.
Jihoon is waiting......(Here)
Jihoon:" Oh that was fast, he laughed you are really responsible, thank u".

He was looking at me today, something is different even when i gave gim his preformance clothes, something was different today.
Finally the show ended and he got on Top 11.

PD:" Everyone, we are going to have dinner and enjoy the party after the show ended, i want everyone to be here to celebrate 🎉 ".
I took the address and i came to them after i went home to dress nicely.
I went with them , everyone was there , the trainees, top 11 and the workers everyone.
Hyorin: " Yaa you are looking Cute and Hot at the same time".
You laugh " no, unni🙈🙈".

The music was loud, i drank a little because of the PD, im not a good drinker. I took a bottle of water and went upstairs to the roof to clear my mind.
I heard footsteps behind me.
" Here you are i..i was looking for you all night"
It was Jihoon, he was drunk and he came and sat front of me.
Rina:" Yaa are you crazy, why are u drunk"?????
Jihoon:" Daniel hyung gave me a little to celebrate, im Top 11 yaaaaaaay ( He was screaming).
" Are u happy for me???"
Rina:" Of course, you deserve it, but relly Jihoon you can't get drunk again, i should talj to Daniel about this".
Jihoon:" Lets forgot about everything and focuse on us now..."
Rina:" What, what do u mean?"
Jihoon came closer he held my hands, " You look really pretty today, you always does, but today is different"
Rina: "Jihoon you are drunk,( I tried to pull my hands but his grip was stronger) "Jihoon..."
And he kissed me......

This is how chapter 1 ends , i hope you enjoyed it, if there is any comment mistake or anything please tell me.
Wait for Chapter 2 maybe tonight 😎
Thank u

Park Jihoon StylistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora