The update

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So I'm back. Again.
Since I've last been on wattpad there's been a load of things that has happened. I'll start from the beginning of  this year.

So the start was going good still had all my friends and I was actually excited for school and my birthday. I had planned to invited all of my friends to go shopping and then to go to the cinema to watch a movie. I ended up invited a load of people as I had planned it for a few weeks. It turned out that three said they were coming. Since my birthday was a school day we went shopping the weekend before. So I caught the bus into town with two of my friends Caleb and Elle. It was planned that my friend which I call my cousin Thomas to be dropped off at the shopping centre. We got the the shopping centre and waited. We kept on waiting so calebs mates decided to chill with us. We waiting for a while but then decided to walk around. We walked round and I told Caleb to go hang with his mates while we wait. We had went back to check if he was there but it thomas didn't end up coming so we left it. Besides everything calebs mates decided to join us in the movie at the Cinema and it turned out an awesome day.

So school started and everything was going good. I got to see all of my friends. And shared weird as stories from the holiday. It was weird as our friend Brianne had actually graduated the year before. 

It came week two of school in the middle of the week. Elle came up to me saying she had made it through TAFE. Instead of me being happy I was upset and angry. So I went off at her. Caleb did to. The next day she went to TAFE and I was talking to Caleb how I felt about it. So then that afternoon someone who had joined our group Emily had told Elle what I said to Caleb. So that night Elle and I had an argument. Like a major one. I blame myself for every bit of it.  After all of that I have decided to not sit with them and as I done that people in that group called me another Shauna. Cause last year she had left the group over something else. So I went around trying to find people to hang with and I didn't seem to find anyone. I was hurt for weeks and weeks about me loosing my close friends. And I still blame myself till this day.

Valentine's Day hit and someone on my bus asked me out. I said yes and that relationship lasted for about three weeks. Through those three weeks I was still hurt about loosing friend. I blame myself for everything that was going on. I ended self harming to the point that I had told my science teacher what was going on and he had sent me straight to the councillor. Things got better after wards. Things that has triggered me was my hating what my body looked like as I was doing cat walk modelling for a while. And just the usual school drama. I got dumped by caine the day after my modelling performance. When that happened it felt like I had no friends. I decided to sit in the library and just chill there. I ended up sitting back with the group that my ex boyfriend was in. I started getting closer and started growing feelings with this guy named Karl. So it was the last week of school and Karl and I started talking more and more. He ended up asking me out.

Term three starts and it started going good. I hang around with Karl. Everything was good. Never urging is a blur until now.

People have started to write stuff up on the toilet walls

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People have started to write stuff up on the toilet walls. I've been getting notes in my bag saying go kill yourself or that I'm a fat bitch. I've been hating my body more and more has I've gained allot of weight. Even though Karl and I have been dated for over two months now I'm still hurt by everything that goes on. I still miss my old friends. I'm hurt that I've lost them.

If there's other stuff that I have forgotten I'll make a part two.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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