Chapter 1: Accidental meeting

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Ugh what a day. Sitting in a plane for God no's how long and now sitting in a car for more than 3 hours driving to California.

Now you're probably wondering who's complaining and what the hell is happening. Well let me tell you. Well, hi. I'm Tammy. I'm 16 and I'm a bitch. Be happy I'm telling you this. I usually don't. I love most music and I have a mom, dad and brother. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm short as fuck. Just saying.

Now why am I complaining you ask? Well, my parents made us move from the lovely place Cape Town, to come live in LA California. We're not moving because we're criminals or because our country is fucked up, like bro.... We aren't that desperate. But it's more that fact that my dad and my mother got a job offer. So now we're moving here.

I'm not to disappointed, because from what I've seen, it's really safe and beautiful in America. I've already seen so many people walking on the street cause you can't really do that in SA anymore. But the worst part about this, is that I have to start all over again. Friends, school, just everything. It's gonna be hard. I know it is.

Finally, we stopped the car. I got out and looked at our massive house. Wtf, we aren't rich. "Mom, how did we get this house?" "Well, we are gonna get paid a shit ton so I thought why don't we have a nice house." She smiled as she walked in. I can tell you now, we aren't rich slobs or we don't think we're the best, we're just really bitchy. But you can't blame me. I just am okay. If anything, my family has a heart of gold. We're loyal in my opinion.

I walked into the house and it was so pretty. The walls were grey and white. Some furniture was in the house already but mine and my brothers rooms weren't even near ready. I grabbed the boxes that had my name on and carried them up stairs. I put the box down on the floor and took a look at all the rooms. 5 rooms and 3 bathrooms. Not to bad. I took the room that was in between my parents and my bro.

I carried my boxes to my room and started decorating. The bed and my table was already in so that made my life a lot easier. After about 2 hours, it was 3pm. I decided that I was gonna go for a walk. I walked down the stairs and went to my mom. "I'm just gonna go for a walk mom. I won't be long." "Bye love!" She said as she waved.

I walked out the door but ran up stairs to get my phone and earphones. I turned left and just walked. I didn't go to far because I didn't know this place. I saw a Starbucks and made sure I had money. Yaaaasss. Coffee time!!! I quickly ran there and stood in the line. I waited about 10 mins until they called me up. "Hello ma'am. What can I get for you?" "Hello. Can I please have two s'more frappuccino and two iced coffe." "Sure coming right up. That will be $22." I paid her and sat down and the last open table.

Then I heard that bell stupid thing on the door and looked up. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Adi Fishman. I tried not to open my jaw in shock but I failed. Miserably. I looked down and closed my jaw quick. Lol. I looked up again and saw him pay.

He turned around and looked for a table but obviously I took the only one left that was open. Now bear in mind, it's only like adults in at the moment. I'm like the only teenager but now count Adi. He looked at me and started walking to me. I carried on looking where when was standing even though he moved. I just didn't want him to think I was starting at him.

He cleared his throat next to me. I looked at him and smiled and so did he. "Is this seat taken? He asked as he pointed at the seat in front of me. "No not at all." "May I sit here? There's just no other places to sit." "Sure. I don't mind." But in reality I was shitting bricks. The lady called up my name and I quickly grabbed my coffee. But then she called Adi as well. I walked out and so did he.

I was about to leave but I was stopped by him. "Hey um. It was nice to meet you for all of 5 seconds." He said as I started laughing and so did he. "Yeah same. I'll see you around." I said as I winked at him and he bit his lip. I was about to pass out I swear.

I walked back home and gave everyone their stuff. I walked to my bros room and gave him his. "My bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! You're a legend." I started laughing as k heard my mom call us for dinner. I ate dinner pretty quick and went for a shower. After my shower I went straight to bed after saying goodnight. I was to tired sorry. I can't believe I start school tomorrow. Ugh. Really? As I fucking get her. Well, better go to sleep. And with that, I was out like a light.

The liar// Adi Fishman imagineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora