Comfort in a Reconnaissance - SpideyPool One-Shot

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Author's Note: Though it isn't realy important -Set during the Civil War Event, after Peter reveals his secret identity to the public, and after when Deadpool becomes a Superhero Hunter and finds out Daredevil’s ‘secret identity’, and before Deadpool tracks down Daredevil and then gets kidnapped ect ect. I wasn’t sure exactly how those events interlock within the timeline, so I just gave an estimate. Set in an AU where Peter never got married to MJ and is instead in a long term relationship with Deadpool. Yay.

Peter leant against the window frame, looking out at the world that was forever changed. It had been three days since he had come out publicly as Peter Parker. The world didn’t look that different. Even the journalists who had been stalking him had disappeared into the night. He took a deep breath and reached out to touch the window.  Three days. This was just the beginning. With Cap underground, and this whole Registration thing... Peter wasn't sure he was doing the right thing. 

“Wow, dramatic scene,” quipped a voice behind him. Peter jumped and somehow ended up on the roof in attack mode. 

Deadpool blinked up at him, then stepped towards a wall and began bashing his head against a wall. “Work…Goddam… You…” he muttered as he did so. 

Spiderman dropped to the ground. “Uh…Wade?”

Deadpool froze, then stepped away from the wall, grinning (at least Peter assumed he did under the mask) and awkwardly posing as he waved. “Hi Spidey. Having a bit of trouble with my first person narrator. Should be fine now.” There was a pause. 

“Ri-ght.” Peter said. “Well, as interesting as that is I was sorta having a moment.” 

“Ah yes, as the young grasshopper/spider reveals himself to the world, he develops a quiet introspection- What are you looking at?” 


There was a silence, and then Deadpool turned back to the wall and began hitting it again. “Work! Work!”

This startled a laugh from Spiderman, which he quickly and unsuccessfully tried to turn into a cough. Suddenly Deadpool was standing in front of him with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. 

“This is a very serious matter,” he chided the superhero. He put a dramatic hand to his head and pretended to swoon. Peter caught him easily and pulled him close. “However will I kick butt if I can’t even control my internal dialogues?”

Peter grinned. “Perhaps you should cut back on the internal dialogues.”

Deadpool jolted up. “But that’s part of my charm!” he exclaimed. “That and my good looks, and witty rejoinders, and kick-butt skills and did I mention my good looks?” 

Peter rolled his eyes and let Deadpool drop, and walked back to the window. 

Deadpool rubbed the back of his head. 

“You okay, kiddo?” Wade asked suddenly. “I saw the news report. Very interesting.” 

Peter gave a short laugh. “Yeah, everyone else seems to think so.”

“Your uh… family taking it well? What’s her face, Uncle April?” 

“Aunt May. Yeah, she supported me. I would’ve asked you but…” 

“Oh yeah.” Deadpool patted down his outfit, and then pulled out something and chucked it to Peter, who caught it easily. “Souvenir.” 

Spiderman looked at it. “It’s a snow globe.”

“Do you love it?” 

Peter turned it upside down and watched the fake snow fall to the top of the globe. 

Comfort in a Reconnaissance - SpideyPool One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now