Ch. 1

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Life is not always what it as seems. Its like being in the dark.  Once you turn off the light, you can't see a thing in front of your nose. Yet if you wait a while, your eyes start to dilate and you can see everything in the whole room. I once mistaken life as a boring useless thing,  something to look forward to,  I was very much wrong.
One day i was walking down the busy street to work. London this time of year was always full of tourists. And i saw something quite strange, there was a man standing in the middle of the street, not moving. I would not have been so surprised if he had some sort of electronic, but he was just standing there, wide eyed. Many people were bumping in to him, and was almost nocked over several times. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?" I inquire. I put my hand on his shoulder to make sure he didn't fall over, and to make sure i wasn't swept away into the crowd. He jumped a little and looked startled towards me as though waking up from a dream "p-pardon me?" the stranger asks. "I asked if you were alright," I answer. "what is your name, here I'll get you a cabby." "J-John my name is John, John Watson." "Well John, I'm Rose Tyler, nice to meet you." I say. "why are are you just standing on the busy pavement?" "I'm sorry, my friend just committed suicide" " O God, I'm so sorry." *this poor man* I think to myself, *No one should go through that*. "Please don't apologize, you did nothing wrong, i just wanted to see if you were ok." I say with sympathy. The cabby I waved down pulled up, and John and I quickly jumped in. "where you goin' ?" said the grumpy driver. "221 Baker street" John said.

Superwholock Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora