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A very good morning to my acquaintance. Humans, we believed to be the smartest creatures on earth. If so, why is our mind so shallow? Why do we oppress another soul just to make us feel better about ourselves? What is the use of us being smart with our brain if we do not have any humanity in our heart?

The knowledge you earned day by day is no use if you throw it aside and let your demons come out and play. What is the function of your brain if you are not using it to make a better tomorrow in our environment?

It might be just me and my opinion but I believe that we should be hand in hand to null and void bullying in our daily lives. At least, try to. A small act can make someone's day or even change their life. Let me tell you something that happened to me back when I was in my elementary school.

I was once a prefect when I am in my fifth grade. My academic was excellent along with my behavior. I was doing my duty on this one fine day until I heard a loud screaming and screeching behind an abandon old car.

I saw a group of student are circling around a boy who seems to be laughing or crying on the ground. Everyone was laughing and pointing fingers at him. With that I believe he might be crying. I squeezed my way into the center of the circle and realized that that was not a game, that was not something funny. They were oppressing this poor child. He was on the ground, crying.

His face might be imperfect by the scar on his left side of his cheek, he might have had glasses that were too small on his face, he also might have a burnt mark on his left arm, but to me, he was just a normal human being who deserved to be treated and respected like one. My heart were shattered by the violence that was being held in front of my own eyes.

For a moment, I was petrified. There were just too many thoughts running around my head. I remember asking myself "should I go and help him?". Instead of following my heart, I seemed to have faded in my own world. The screaming and screeching are getting softer in the background. I am lost in my own world.

I saw him mouthing the word "help me please". I saw the blood that was flowing down from his nose. He reached out his trembling hand to me and I could see the pain in his eyes. His weak eyes that was seeking for help, his trembling hand and the bleeding on his nose are all carved in my memory.

Do you know how imbecile I was? I walked away, I back down. I did not do what was right. I started to run away and shut them off from my vision along with my mind. I held back my tears, more like fighting back my tears. My legs started to slow down, I surrender and my tears were running down my cheeks like a waterfall.

I wanted to reach out and tell the students to back off but I do not have the guts to say it nor to do it. I wanted to tell them that their action were inhumane. But instead, I chicken out and let the victim down. It was a horrible experience for me.

I ran to the principal's office and told him about that incident along with my resignation from being a prefect.

I regret being a prefect, I regret not standing up for him at that moment. For someone who has the power to make them stop did nothing really is not worthy of being a prefect. I changed my school and started a new life. Well, I tried to. The fact that the scene was carved in my memory, I cannot forget it. I think about it every day and night. I even had a dream about it.

With this opportunity, I hope that people will learn something from my experience. I ask, no, I beg you people that are sitting and standing in front of me to stand up for the people in need.

Be there for them when they needed a shoulder to cry on, lend your ears for someone who is troubled with their problems. Be a decent human being or at least try to be one. It would mean a lot to me and to the community.

With this, I would like to end my speech with 'be a rainbow in someone else's cloud'.

Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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