Untitled Part 1

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The pavement was crowded with jostling shoppers loaded down

with packages. Outside the library in the centre of the High Street, a group

of children in scarves and woolly hats were singing Christmas carols by

torchlight while one of them collected money from passers-by, shaking his

collecting tin hopefully beneath their noses. The late afternoon sky had a

threatening look. The temperature had dropped overnight and Marisa

thought as she looked up at the dark sky that she would not be surprised if

they were to have snow.

Jamie was tired and hungry. They were on their way home after a

walk in the park. Marisa walked fast, her slender figure warmly wrapped in

a sheepskin coat which still had an expensive look although it was now

three years old. Most of her money went on clothes for Jamie. She hadn't

been able to afford a new winter coat for herself.

Jamie suddenly pointed at a shop window, crowing and throwing

himself about in his pushchair. Marisa stopped, smiling, so that he could

admire the Christmas tree which had caught his eye.

'Pretty, isn't it?' she asked, bending to smile at him.

'Pitty,' Jamie said. He was beginning to talk, but so far his

vocabulary was small, and mangled, so that only Marisa was able to

guess what he was saying.

Remembering that she had promised to bring-Sally some cakes,

Marisa hurried on to a shop two doors away and parked the pushchair. 'I

won't be a minute, darling,' she promised Jamie, whose lower lip began to

tremble. He gave her an accusing look.

'Bad.' It was one of his favourite words because it was one which

even the dullest grown-up seemed to understand.

'I know,' she said, smiling. 'I'll be quick.' She hurried into the shop.

Sally rarely asked her to do anything and it always made Marisa feel

better to do something in return for all the kindness she and Jamie had

had from her.

She was in such a rush that she ran full tilt into somebody, knocking

all her parcels to the floor.

'Sorry,' she gasped, diving to pick them up.

The thin woman almost snatched her belongings away. No doubt

she was tired and cross, like Jamie. Christmas was an exhausting season.

Marisa apologised again, but only got a frosty glare.

'Oh, dear,' the baker said as she went up to the counter. 'Someone

was in a nasty mood.'

Marisa smiled at him and ordered her cakes, watching him place

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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