Only 6 More.....

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See, I don't have just any cancer, I have bone marrow cancer- stage 4- which is doctor code for I have 6 months to live. There are so many things I have not done: go to college, get married, have kids- and I will never get to do any of it. I will not be able to attend my senior prom, and did I mention I will never get my braces off? I have always had horrible teeth, but I did not get my 12 year molars until a few months ago, which is when I got my braces on.

Since I am going to die anyway, does it matter how I die? I grab the knife, stabbing it into my gut. Goodbye world. I will never have to face you ever again.

I wake up from the horrible dream. Sure, I am going to die in six months, but I am not suicidal. My wet pillow indicates that I was crying in my sleep- again. I put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans and an old Broncos jersey with Tim Tebow on it. I have never been a fan of football, but it is my older brother's shirt.

Joseph took a break from his first semester at Harvard so he could spend time with his dying sister. I am not worth dropping out of college for. Then again, I did drop out of high school, but I am going to die before the year is over anyways.

I smile when I see my mom had made my favorite breakfast- toast with homemade orange marmalade, bacon, and hot chocolate with cinnamon. I eat my food, then I put my plate in the sink. I collapse on my way to the couch and scream. Joseph helps me up, then calls my boyfriend, Micah. He has not missed any of my hospital visits, and he is not going to start now.

"Christina, it seems we have misjudged your time to live," Doctor Hall sadly announces. "Instead of six months, plan on living six weeks,"

I stare at him, then I punch him. Micah holds me back until I calm down, then he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you, too," I whisper back.

He takes me to an airport, which is a complete surprise.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

Micah smiles. "If I can't be with you forever, I will spend what I can with you. I know how much you have wanted to go to New York, so I decided why not take you now?"

I hug him. "Thank you," I cry. I guess I will die happy, with the man I love.

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