Platform 9 3/4

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Molly’s POV

A battered trunk. A caged lazy owl. A letter. These were the few things she clutched closely to her. Her few belongings for the next semester… She seemed dazed gaping at the Hogwart’s train on the real Platform 9 ¾. The steam spewed and hundreds of children and parents were dashing about to get on the train, showering their children with kisses and goodbyes. The day seemed to be a dream, not really real, as she had been waiting for this day her entire life. Her stomach lurched as she approached the train and a wave of insecure doubts flooded her mind. There were so many new faces, new places, new feeling, new everything. She felt dizzy at the thoughts. She had stumbled through the boundary since her little snotty sister, Beatrice, pushed her through this day had started out just spectacular.

“Don’t be stupid,” her older sister’s bossy voice echoed in Molly’s head. She felt increasingly insecure as she clonked through the halls of the Hogwart’s train desperately looking for a compartment. She was starting to get odd looks from some fellow students and she avoided all eye contact...if possible.

“Ugh what’s wrong with your hair” said a disgusted voice behind Molly. She sighed as she turned to face her elder, who was unfortunately accompanied by her inseparable cronies. It was hard to maintain eye contact with her sister, Janine, as she was always focused on HERSELF.

“Oh bug off” Molly muttered lamely and turned away from Janine’s naturally beautiful features. She continued in a disgruntled fashion back to searching in the halls of the train. She blew her bushy uncontrollable hair out of her eyes and peered into one of the compartments and instantly regretted it. The girl inside was staring right back and seemed to have the air of someone who was downright dotty. Her protruding eyes and messy blond hair repelled Molly instantly. In a way, you could tell this girl was an outcast, or going to be one.

“You don’t want to sit with me” said the girl in a dreamy airy voice. For some uncomfortable reason, she was exactly tight. Spot on in fact. Instead of replying in a polite fashion as one does to protect one’s feelings, Molly decided to respond truthfully.

“You are right, I ...don’t...but-” Molly stopped and bit her tongue at her horrible tact, “I will sit with you anyways” she finally decided. She slid open the compartment and lugged the trunk, the lazy owl, Gertrude, and the letter with her. Once she settled down the room grew quiet and the girl with a odd knack of speaking uncomfortable truths finally spoke.

“Call me Loon-I mean Luna Lovegood,” she said airily. Her voice was so misty it almost led Molly to sleep.

“Molly Brown. Nice to meet you,” Molly yawned.

“Oh indeed it is! Now I have a friend!” Luna cried then gulped, then blushed like she didn’t mean to say all that. Molly frowned.

“I-I mean if I- If -you well ah” Luna garbled mercilessly. Her stutterings were cut off by the bang of the compartment door which drew Molly from falling asleep.

“‘Geroff’ me you nastys” said a familiar voice. Molly lifted her head to see her eldest brother, Nathan push two very loud boys into the compartment. Nathan huffed indignantly and crossed his arms in a lame attempt to look authoritative. Nathan was a very skinny tall boy and at his moment, his hair was ruffled and his prefect badge was crooked.

“Er, stay out of trouble” Nathan managed in a forced loud voice and he slammed the door shut. Luna jumped at the sound. The two boys stood awkwardly and refused to sit. One of the boys, the particularly rowdy one with extremely untidy poorly gelled hair and huge oversize glasses decided to take a notice in the people in the compartment. He stalked toward Molly and pointed rudely at her nose.

“What’s wrong with your hair?” said the smart mouth boy.

“What’s wrong with your hair?” Molly snapped pointing out the boy’s crazy hair. The boy’s smug expression broke.

“Well , I guess we’re even,” he huffed and dropped himself beside Molly. She had no idea if she liked him or not.

“Well, I guess you’re odd,” she laughed. He gave her a crooked smile and Molly felt as if this very peculiar boy had accepted her as an equal.

“I’m Rubert Newton, don’t call me Rubert though...only my mom calls me that. Call me Newt!” He puffed out his chest proudly.

“And this is-” he motioned toward the other quiet boy who shrieked slightly away shooting Newt a hot glare.

“Nicholas Hermann. Call me Hermann,” said Hermann shyly. Molly caught a German accent in his voice and noticed how he carried a cane and the lopsided way he stood.He was a very compact boy who appeared to look actually older than he looked because of his layered suit and cane. Molly had to stifle a laugh at his ridiculous look. Hermann seemed to have gained more confidence and he cleared his throat to speak in his sharp, sophisticated voice.

“Please excuse my friends here he can be a bit-” Hermann began.

“What’s wrong with your leg?” Luna blurted. Hermann stiffened and was caught off guard by such a brash remark.

“Nothin’. I...I was born with it shorter,” he mumbled in a much smaller voice and he clambered uncomfortably into the seat next to Molly. For some reason, she knew he was lying. The silence was broken by Newt claiming he could fix Hermann’s leg and he swung his wand out.This started a great argument and the 2 boys quickly launched into debating whether you can fix birth defects or not. There squeaky annoying voices filled the compartment and Molly quickly realized why Nathan was so hasty to get rid of them. Luna looked wistfully out the window while Molly started to drift off the sleep and the boys bickered loudly. The train rode on. The argument ended with Hermann sulking and Net rubbing an injured arm with a mysterious bruise turning a nasty shade of black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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