Chapter 1

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It looked the same in every direction. The sunlight blazing off the sand making it difficult to see beyond twenty meters. Coach Donald Martins shouted at his inmates. Today we are going on a 5 km run from here towards B block and I don't care how tired you are your going to run! he bellowed. All the inmates groaned few of them exchanging quiet comments such as " I wish I could slap the stupid man" and "he probably hasn't run a mile in his life".Conditions in Crimson Rock prison were ruff and young Carvel Johnson had had just enough, anger burst inside him as he lunged himself onto Coach Donald and started strangling him, his hands clasping onto his dry flaky neck. It didn't take long for two strong officers to grab the youth and drag him by the back beating him with a baton. Carvel's vision went pitch black.

Carvel woke up into a bright room against a window with a microphone in front of him. He was pretty beat up, he had a bulging purple eye, red hot face and a throbbing wrist. As his vision returned to him he began to realise he was in an interrogation room; on the opposite side of the window was a man in a black suit with two officer.

That is where the story begins.

The room was very warm, Carvel watched as sweat dripped from his forehead and trickle down his cheek towards his shirt, he knew that he was in deep shit now and there was nothing that he could do about it.He looked intriguingly into the men's eyes. ' Who are they the men in black' he said managing a small chuckle. It was very obvious he was trying to hold back his fear , One thing he had definitely learned from being an inmate was never show fear for once anyone sensed it you were never going to hear or feel the end of it.

Hours pasted and not a word was said the three people just looked at each other glaring at each other trying to see a crack of weakness to expose and exploit. Carvel started to day dream ,he started to think about his life before prison, the day that everything started , December :14 :2020.

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