Chapter I

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I walked behind Mikasa sulking, I can't believe I actually agreed to this. We walked up the flight of stairs and into the studio.
Why is the studio upstairs?!

"Eren, this is the instructor, Erwin," Mikasa snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Nice to meet you," I put on a fake smile, somehow they didn't notice. The two began to talk about dance stuff while I sat to change my shoes, the dance shoes I owned at the moment squeezed my ankles but they weren't to bad as long at I had on pants I could pull down between the shoes and my ankles. (ugh I hated those shoes!) I stood up and started stretching like Mikasa had showed me maybe a week ago, another reason I hated this idea.

I stretched my legs as I waited for Mikasa or Erwin to tell what's first, that's when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a short man with a black undercut and silvery-grey eyes.

"Hello, my name is Levi," The strange man, Levi, said in a monotone voice without a ounce of expression on his face.

"Names Eren, I'm Mikasa's brother," I smiled and reached out to shake his hand. He ignored it and nodded curtly and moved down the mirror before he began to stretch, strange. Oh well, no time to think about that now. I did what Mikasa called a tondu, (basically you stick out your leg and point your toes, then slowly lift your leg slightly then place it back on the floor.) then swung my leg around and did the same but behind me, a back tondu I think. I noticed that Levi guy watching me out of the corner of his eye. He scoffed when he saw me looking and did his own tondu, holding it longer than I did. I frowned and held mine longer, it then because a tondu war that escalated into a high kick war which Levi won. He turned to me while I messaged my hip, very bad idea for a beginner to kick that high.

"Not bad for a newbie, but you should stretch more before you hurt yourself."

He walked away before I could retort with my amazingly thought up response... "Ya? Well I'm on the football team so I could lift twice your weight." Ya he probably wouldn't care. Mikasa called from another part of the studio and I began to learn some of the basics. Out of the corner of my eye, though, I couldn't help but notice Levi as he danced with a grace and passion I knew neither Mikasa nor any of her friends have ever had.

~ time skip brought to you by ATTACK ON GAY ~

"Mikasa, who was that guy? I think his name was Levi," I turned to Mikasa as we walked back from the studio.

"He was at the studio when I first started lessons, he's been there for a long time. He's better than any of us be he refuses to perform. Stage fright or something," Mikasa said while she pulled her scarf up aginst the cold wind I didn't feel.

"But he's amazing! I'm sure if he ju-"

"Eren no, he doesn't want to perform so leave it be." Mikasa cut me off, she glared fire at me then turned down our street. I stopped and watched her go.

"I'm gonna go get a coffee!" I shouted, suddenly not wanting to go home.

"Be back in time for dinner!" She shouted not stopping. I walked across the street to the coffee shop and got my usual, (insert whatever you think Eren would drink). I sat sipping the drink, apparently longer than I thought because low and behold there was Levi. He ordered then sat behind me, ignoring my presence. I turned my head slightly and smiled at him, he just scoffed and turned around completely.

I finished the coffee and stood, when I turned around from the trash can Levi was there.

"AGHA! Levi! You gave me a heart attack!" I clutched my chest, God how is he so quiet?

"You need more training, and I don't mean from Erwin. He can teach all he wants but he kills the fire in everyone. I could teach you, but you gotta really want it." I blinked suprised then scowled.

"I don't wanna dance, I'm only doing it so Mikasa isn't being lifted by grimy handed Jean," I rolled my eyes. He raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Your loss, if you change your mind you know where to find me," he waved a hand as he walked out.  Strange, oh well. I walked home, Three Days Grace blasting in my ears.


Word count ~ 787

Hey guys, so a little confusing. Maybe a little rushed. But I'm tired and my sister has the hives or poison ivy or something and I'm in charge of helping her get rid of it.
But never mind that.
So I was in colorguard, and I learned all these dance terms and I started thinking. And then this fic happened. So ya, I also kinda saw some clips from a movie called Ballerina/Leap, inspiration struck.

If any of you are more knowledgeable in the "art of dance" then me and see a mistake, please point it out and I'll fix it asap!

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