The Corner

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I rested my head against the corner of the wall, exhausted from putting all the ice cream back into the freezer. I've been working at this ice cream place for a little over a month now and I genuinely enjoyed it. Only the cleaning got a bit lonely sometimes. But not today. He just finished giving the floor a sweep, after helping me with the rest as well. Now he's leaning against the other side of the corner, watching me.
«Is there anything else I can do?», he asked sweetly.
I looked up to him intending to answer but... His face was so close all of the sudden.
«I...I don't... no.», I stuttered.
All I could think of in this exact moment was how easy it would be to close the gap between our lips. His face, barely 3 inches away, seemed almost inviting and his lips so incredibly soft.
«Whoa, I whish I could kiss you right know», he stated bluntly.
Without a word, we just stared at each other for what must have been the longest 2 seconds of my life.
At last I blushed and mumbled something along the lines of 'no'.
WHAT WAS I THINKING? I clearly wanted it!
«Just so that you know, I wouldn't have done it either way», he said grinning: «I'm not that brave of a guy, I wouldn't have dared it. But sometime soon, I promise.»
I blushed even harder and remained silent.
«For now», he continued: «I think I deserve an extra long hug.»

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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