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This is the story of Josie Morgan. She is an iron slave from Kaintuck's Sanctuary. Sullivan B. Cornell saved the poor lady from the slave traders in Gatorland. He was saved from slavery because of her. She is known as a useless iron. She is clumsy and drops things a lot. Because of that she help her owner, Sullivan to escape from slavery. They were on a slave ship after they caught a few unsuspecting strains. Sullivan was one of them. When Josie was little and growing up she understood that she was born into it, but it was unfair to be drags into it. So she help Sullivan to escape. But not on purpose. When they got him they lock him up on a side of the ship but forgot to lock the cuffs. When Josie was cleaning she split the mop bucket. The guards turn and walk up to her and started yelling at her.

“What is wrong with you.” the yorker guard yelled at her.

“ I.. I’m sorry. Ill clean it up.” she says looking at the tall man.

“ you better.” the yorker Guard demands.

At the time the guards were destructed Sullivan slip away from his unlock cuffs. To his freedom he goes. Months later Sullivan sees Josie at a stave trade event. He walks up to them and says.

“ I want the small one.”  he says to the leader of the slave trade.

“Her? She's useless. Why not have this strong useful one I'll give u a deal.  What u say?” he says to (nick dam character name)

“ No, I want her.” he insist. Wanting to save the iron that saved him.

The leader gives in and sells Josie to Sullivan.

“Come on D6-01, you comeing with me.” Sullivan says to his new iron.

She had a look of shock. Someone wanted her? Why? Who was this man? And many more questions ran in her head. But she didn't fuss. She went and fallows the tall rover man. Well he was tall to her.

To her she saw a new life head of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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