Corey Taylor

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Excerpt from "Seven Deadly Sins" written by Corey Taylor.

"I am not selling salvation here, but I am preaching moderation. Some of you motherfuckers are indeed crazy. I have no qualms on pointing out the obvious. So what if you like to fuck? Who cares if you enjoy actually having money, or love to eat, or are impassioned, or use your covetous nature to push yourself to new heights? Who gives a shit if all you want to do on your one day off is lay in bed and fucking sleep? Or if you think you are the sexiest prick on the planet?

Who cares? That is none of my business. It is yours. If you can live with it and you are not hurting anyone else, frankly I applaud you. At least you are not touting some doomed party line about the express way to heaven. The whole reason for these opposed sins is about control."

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