Best Friends Are Made For Kissing (boyxboy)

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Hey everyone! This is my first story to be published online! I'm so excited! Let me know what you think<3 It'll mean the world to me(: As well, this is a boyxboy as in sexy times happen between two males--if you don't like it, don't read it. If you do, then I hope you love this!


Walking into school on the first day is always a total bummer. Adding to the complete waste of time known as an education, is the fact that I, Jace Ryan, can not find my goddamn best friend anywhere! What are best friends for!? If not to make life a little, teeny tiny, itty bitty bit better?!

"Hey you! Yes, you! No, not you, the other guy! Yes, HIM!" A loud, energetic voice sounded behind me. I whipped around, scanning the large crowds of high schoolers for--

"JACE! BABY! MY LOVE! I FOUND YOU, YOU SEXY BEAST!" A grin lit up my face, finally spotting my closest friend.

"Adam, about time you arrived... I was lonely!" I made a sad face, attempting to receive some pity, but noooo, that's not Adam.

"You spaz, don't give me that face. You know it only works on your fan girls." He motioned his head over to a group of girls, maybe 5-7 of those pretty girls were giggling and staring at us. I smirked at them, sending the few my 'seductive' face.

Hearing a sigh, I look over at Adam's face once more. I can't help but gaze into his blue eyes. They're gorgeous! Seriously, it's almost as though when he was born the ocean was poured into the colouring of them. They sparkle and shine, even when he's completely annoyed or tired. Those blue eyes are almost gray when he's angry, morphing into these stormy, chilling orbs. That's one reason I hate pissing him off. Another would be that, well, I love him. As a friend of course, totally platonic, couldn't like him if I wanted too!

I felt my face flush, just thinking about Adam. Especially when he stares at me with that expression! Like he is now, that mysterious, 'you-have-no-idea-what-I'm-thinking' look. He gets so pulled into his thoughts that he shuts down on the outside, going completely impassive and slightly cold.

"J, what were you just thinking about..?" Adam murmurs, watching me carefully. I 'humph' and turn away. I know what he's trying to do! He's trying to read my mind! Grr, it won't happen this time, oh no.

"Oh nothing, just the same. You know, how hot gay porn is. Just last night, I watched this one dude... If you know what I mean." I smirk cheekily and watch his eyes go wide.

"WAIT, WAIT, WHAT?! Since when-- Who!? WHAT?!" He lets out a few strangled questions, gasping at the end. Haha, in his face. I win.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I wiggle my eyebrows at him before leaning in close. "You know, we could always watch together, right baby?" Immediately he starts cracking up. I mean, rolling on the floor, laughing his booty off.

"Oh, you had me there for a second!" He finally let's out, calming down a smidge. He's still chuckling, but it's more...under control! Sort of. He's so cute when he's laughing like a complete psycho path!

If you can't tell, Adam and I are really close. Like...brothers, bros before hoes, buddies til death, all that fun stuff. We always have to pull shit, including pranking each other. We laugh until we cry sometimes... Ah, memories.

I'm pulled out of my reverie by an extremely loud and obnoxious sound. The bell? Oh, right, school. Damn. Forgot we were here.... Hmm. What to do.

"Adam, can we skip class? Pleaaaaaase! I'll love you forever and ever and ever and ever!" I beg Adam to take me far, far away! This place is evil, eviiiiiiil. I just know it. It can't be a good place--torture happens everyday! I mean... They expect us... To LEARN!

"Ahahaha," Adam laughs. "No." My dreams just shattered into a million tiny pieces. Aww.. I thought he'd go for that! "Let's go to class, we need to prank the teacher!" OH! Our tradition! We always welcome our homeroom teacher, each year, by pulling some prank on them. The principal dreads this day. It's the only reason I even bother trudging to school! How could I have forgotten so easily?!

"WOOT! Let's get this party started! Yeaaaaah, buddy!" I start singing my own made up song about how pranking is amazing and nobody can ever do it as well as I do. It's perfection. Someday I'll let the world hear it!

I hear Adam following me, shuffling along behind me as I jump around excitedly. He bumps into me, his breath brushing against my neck and I freeze. I shake it off and finally see the class door. Finally. Seriously. I pull Adam into the room and find front row seats for us. I plop into the right seat, directly in the middle of the room and gaze at our new teacher, eyeing her up and down. So this is what I'm up against. Hmm.

Hmm!? Well, if you like it so far, leave me a comment :D If you do, I'll write more, otherwise I'll have to see if I really could get into this. Thanks for reading! :)


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