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Sometimes i feel like the only one
Who feels this pain i feel
The pain of being alone
All of my life


It makes me feel like the only one
Who is made fun of and hurt
All my life
But i now know
I am not the only one
Who feels this way


I know i am not alone
But sometimes i just forget
I just don't know
But now i know
I am not alone


Other people feel the way I do
1 person understands me
Knows the way i feel
She writes
She gets hurt
Just like me
Just like me


I don't get
How most people don't feel
The way i feel
1 person does
She tells me everything is okay
She says there are more people
Like us


I am broken
My heart is shattered
The one thing i love
Went away
Away from me
I need someone
To hold me together
To keep me whole again


I feel broken
I feel lost
I feel something
Nobody else does
Nobody else knows
Exactly how I feel


Because of them
I feel this way
Like i will always fail
To try and stand up for myself
Because of them
I am broken
In many ways
They will never understand


They don't know the way i feel
They don't feel the way i feel
They will never know the way i feel
They will never feel the way i feel
Until they go through
What I go through
Everyday of my life


We don't know why
We don't know how
They harm
They hurt
They kill
They haven't gotten to us yet
But they will
I promise
They will


I have no choice
I have no right
People think I do
But they don't know
They don't know
What happens to me
Inside Of me


My body won't let me
Let me say sorry
To people i hurt
Now they hurt me
I can't say sorry now
My body won't let me
Do what i need to do
To stand up for myself


I don't get it
Why I feel this way
I feel like a penguin
Trying to fly
But it is impossible
I know this now


Life is is just another word
It is nothing really important
People say it is important
But to me it is just another way
A way of saying
You don't belong here


People think I am joking
About my "life" not existing
But i am not joking
About how I feel
How my "life" is not really existing
I wish people would believe
Believe the things I say


Life is like a game
You can get hurt
You can die
But one difference is
You can not redo things
You can't fix you past mistakes
If you die
You are dead forever


There must be a place
A place for people like me
A place where i can live in peace
A place that is not here
Where people won't judge me
Or hurt me


It makes me sad
To see her
In a state
That is not happy
Or joyful
I just want her to be happy again


I am not
Who i used to be
I used to be happy
I used to be joyful
I don't know why
I have changed
I did not want to change
I should not have to change
This just shows
I am still alone


I do not belong here
I am stuck in a world
I should not be stuck in
I should not live
In the life I was given
Nobody was
What I used to be


I remember
When I was taken
Away from my old life
Like it was yesterday
It was so good
It was so great
Until they came along
And took it all away


I thought this life
Would be ok
Even though
It would not be as good
As my old life
But I was wrong
This life is not
What I thought it might be
This life
Should be peaceful
Where everyone is kind and nice
But now I know
Nobody is who they are thought to be


My life is falling apart
I am getting dumber
I have fell in a hole
And I can't get out
My heart is shattered
And I don't know why
I just want
To be happy again


She came back
She is holding me together
She came back for me
But she won't be back for long
She will leave soon enough
She will never come back
She won't hold me together anymore


People hate me
They hurt me
They don't like me
They never liked me
And they never will

I thought I could share my feelings with you guys. That's why this is here. Hope you enjoy. Bye!

~ Liza Xx

The World is a Cruel Place (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن