1- Wild Fires

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"Saph! Look at this..-" Draco turned his head to the television in the store window. His Beagle ears flop sharply as he turns.

"What? See some poodle in Cruffs" Saphire teased him.

Draco chuckled sarcastically and gave a playful glare to his best friend.

Sapphire looked up at the TVs and listened intently. A man in a costly suit spoke, the local news reporter.

"France are having a huge heatwave..."

"And? Drake honey, thats a whole different country"

"Yeah, but it's right next to England" he looked back at the screen "we're gunna be affected too, heat travels right?"

Sapphire nodded, still intently glaring at the pixel on the multiple televisions in a store window.

"Not just that. someone set a house on fire too, right next to a huge forest..."

Sapphire's eyes skimmed the screens as a mass of tall red flames licks at the corpse of a large forest. It's a sight that made both of the dogs shiver.

After a second thought, she knew Drake was right. She sighed, her collie eyes still trained into the screen. Glaring at the flames as if to scare them "it's gunna be a hot week ahead...not to mention the ash in the air from the fire"

Draco scoffed, evidently, he didn't think about that "we're gunna flipping suffocate our ars-"

"Blimey!" A polish intoxicated voice exclaimed behind them, low and unintentionally slower in his d age "-that's a sight and a half, enough to put the sisters pups stomached in they're little throats"

Saphire's eyes beam brightly "Roger!" She skipped to him in excitement, fondly greeting each other by rubbing there cheeks against the other, a form of friendship.

As both stepped back, the grey fur smothering his muzzle roughed up a little.

Roger and Sapphire knew each other rather well, not as well as Draco and Sapphire though.

When they met, it wasn't really a happy time...

Sapphire had a run in with the one and only rival pack within the city.

The Quälen...

without any important reason the pack, Quälen, needlessly terrorise the streets whenever they're bored, they enjoy picking fights with the more vulnerable and causing them whatever pain they can. Physical or mental.

They started on Sapphire at early morning, less than six months ago. To put a long story short, they stole the scraps she had hid, she caught them in the act. Being the uneducated, overly confident young dog she is, she thought she could take em'

All three of them. Fully grown. Almost warrior-looking dogs?Built like steel lorries. Ready for battle.

She fraught for her property and battled until at least one opponent spilled their inky blood. Which was Sapphire.

Two against one. Two very strong, very capable dogs against a much much; younger, stronger and shorter dog.

One dog in particular, the one who stood aside. Watching the whole thing. Sapphire thought about bitterly.

He had fur as dark as obsidian and unlikely white teeth sharper than an obsidian blade. It was quite the contrast, black fur and white teeth.

In all honesty, Sapphire was an awful fighter. Which is why her trying to fight them was such a stupid idea, but she was all for it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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