I'm sure it's not that important..

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Ahhh thanks for requesting!! I'm sorry it's so short, I'm awful at writing ships but I'll try and get better!! I hope this is enough fluff


Outside the pristine window were piles of snow, untouched and looking soft as could possibly be as new flakes delicately fell atop and blended together. Matthew silently watched from one of the two chairs placed by the large window, absentmindedly stirring a cup of coffee, before taking a sip and groaning in pain as it was not done cooling.

"Be careful, won't you I can't have my son flower getting hurt, now." rang a voice that somehow still managed to carry power though it came out smooth and gentle.

"Ahh, I didn't see you there. Good morning."

"Good morning to you as well, I see it has snowed some more, yes?".


And they both remained quiet. It was somewhat comforting, and relaxing, staring out into the world of white just beyond the cabin walls. Ivan and Matthew had been together for some time now and all was well. They could both sit in silence while watching the television and somehow just looking at each others' faces made them fall more madly in love.

Soon they had retreated from the window and made their way to the nearby couch, fire crackling and emitting warmth onto the couple. Ivan smiled as he pulled Matthew into his lap, twisting his fingers in the blonde's hair with a look in his eye no one could replicate on demand. True happiness.

Days like this were truly magical, and mysterious in the way you never wanted it to end though you would usually find yourself bored with such monotone events. With a sigh, Ivan stood from his place on the couch.

"I should have someone shovel out the driveway.. I have work to do today."

"I'm sure it's not that important."

Ivan chuckled. "Sunflower, we serve important roles."

"Well yeah but.. They would understand. Its cold at both of our places, and not to mention the middle of winter. We're completely snowed in anyways, so, why not just let it snow?" Said Matthew with a soft smile, hopes of luring his boyfriend back into his arms high.

Ivan's smile only grew. "You have a point."

And then the lights went out. Looks like they're in for a day of cuddling.

Let's Just Let it Snow (APH Russia x Canada)Where stories live. Discover now