ghost story :)

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Put your story text"Stay grandpa, stay in here with me. Please." I grabbed the hand that was closets with both of mine.

"No my child I can't." we where at the door of my room in his house. I had gone and brought him here after I saw a dark shadow pass in front of my bed.

"But why not?" I was trying to pull him inside but I wasn't strong enough.

"Because what passed you doesn't want me in their. But don't worry he cant and wont get you little Laney." he smiled a small smile down at me then bent down so we where eye level.

"Okay grandpa." I saw tears in his eyes but didn't say anything because I knew something was wrong. I could tell he was keeping something from me when he looked at me and smiled then stood up, nodded to something behind me, hugged and kissed my head goodnight then walked away slow with his head down.

That night I had a dream, about my grandpa getting attacked and killed by the showed I saw. I couldn't wake up from this dream nor could I scream or help my grandpa. All I could do is watch it kill him then turn to me and what looked like a tip of the hat then disappear where he stood.

When I woke up the next morning and went down to tell him about my dream I found the shadow over him everything like my dream with me standing their watching my grandpa get killed.

I tried to move but couldn't. It felt like I was penalized. Then like in my dream the shadow turned, tipped his hat then disappeared.

When it left I stood their for a minute looking where it was then ran over to where my grandpa laid.

I wiggled him.

"Wake up grandpa please!" I don't know why I tried because I knew he was dead.

I had called the police and they came I told them what had happened. They didn't believe me about the shadow. They just thought that I was making it up so it wouldn't be said that he killed himself. But I know he didn't kill himself like they said and say I know it was the shadow...I just don't know why it killed him.

I went home after I was questioned and was told to go to sleep but I couldn't.

That was eight years ago to this day. I'm sixteen now but I still remember everything that happened that night.

Still no one believes me when I tell the story about that night. They all think I'm crazy or something. When I was twelve my parents made me go get help from a consoler because I kept telling them what happened and not what everyone thinks is the truth.

Why would he want to kill himself? Especially with me their in the house with him. But as long as I know what happened is all that matters. And that night was the last night I ever went into that house again. I don't even like going on the road where the house is. If I have to I wont look at the house.

Ever sense that dream I have had other dreams, of people dieing. Then the next day or so I turn the news on and there is the person from my dream...dead. Their has only been a few times I have had a dream about someone's death and I never saw it on the news no matter when I looked.

When I asked my mom about what was going on she just looked at me and shook her head. But somehow I know theirs something she's not telling me. I can always tell when someone is keeping something. But I can never tell what it is.

But there is something I am keeping from everyone. My little sister, when she turned eight she said she saw bright lights that looked like they had wings. Angles. My little sister Anna lee can see Angeles. Then my older sister, Emi can see Demons. She's only seen a few she's told me. When she would go to the graveyard to put flowers on our grandpas grave she would see dark shapes and knew somehow what they where.

She's eighteen now and she didn't know she even could see these things till she started going to the graveyard. Only when she was really little she saw something but never thought anything of it because she was about eight. Up until I said something to her about my dream did she start looking in our family history and resource about what she and I where experiencing.

Anna is thirteen now and she knows what she sees now. We told her when we thought she was old enough to keep what we all did a secret. She was about eleven when we told her. As far as we know she hasn't said anything to anyone. Its our little secret.

When we told her is when all of us started becoming close. Now we tell each other everything about anything and know that we all can keep a secret real good. What's really good is that we are all around the same age so we can connect better.

We all know when each other has seen or heard something, by the way they look at us or if someone gives us a certain look. If one of us gives the look we meet late after our parents have been asleep in one of our rooms and talk about what happened. Nothing bad has ever come from something we saw. Well unless you count our grandpa. I still don't understand how I saw the shadow. I'm not the one who sees anything just dreams about them and what's going to happen in the future. Manly death but sometimes I see other things if its really important.

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