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Nekron knew his time had come. He had been sealed away in this dark, boiling prison of a planet for nearly four thousand years.  He was sick of it.  It was time to break out and rule the cosmos. 

                         For good.

For all those years, he had been willing his power over death to flow and wash over the planet, slowly killing it. Now it was dead, and it's crust was so thin that if anyone dared walk upon it, they would fall through into his prison below. 

He willed all that was left if his power into his spindly legs, and pushed through the planet's crust, making the planet burst into dust. 

Oh, it felt so GOOD to be free! He floated around, his grey fingers passing through the remains of his prison. The sickly green hue of his protective energy field glowed dimly around him, gradually getting brighter as his energy returned. 

It was finally time.  

Time to see his beloved sister once again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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