Urban Legend 1

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Urban Legend : The CandyMan

Now if you have heard of the candy man you might have heard a Story that goes a little like this.

You go into a bathroom and look into the mirror and say Candyman, CandyMan, Candyman, Candyman, Candyman.  You stand in silence for a couple minutes, then he is supposed to show up behind you and kill you with his hook hand.

That is part of the Legend but I'm going to tell you how most people do it and this might remind you of the Urban Legend Bloody Mary which ill be talking about in a chapter soon😄

Why does he have a hook as a hand?

Legend has it that The CandyMan is actually a slave named Daniel Robitaille. This man was a very talented painter so his owner asked him to paint a portrait of his beautiful daughter.

But Daniel fell in love with the daughter of the slave owner. When the racist slave owner found out that they were in love with each other. He send a mob after Daniel and chased him out of the town.

With a pack of dogs and a lot of pitchforks chased the poor slave for as long as he could take it. They caught up to the slave and sadly cut off his hand with a rusty saw.

Sadly Daniel died from the pain and the lose of blood. But not before he cursed the man who killed him saying he will come back and get revenge.

Now apparently The candyman now walks around with a hook as a hand and kills anyone who dares to say his name five times in a mirror.

Thats one Theory of the story, The other is that the spirt is actually of a spirt of a murder who everyone called Candyman. I think all of you can understand that storily without me telling you.

So this is the urban legend of The Candyman Comment if you ever heard of these stories or if you watch Shane Dawson and get scared watching his theory videos.

Also Vote if this was interesting to you😄 Thanks for Reading!

Also at the top is a picture of Daniel (Not real)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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