Authors Note

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 Jesus is alive.

This simple statement is the foundation of this book. He is moving and speaking to His people all over the world and I have been truly blessed to be chosen by Him as a testimony of His grace. I am a young professional in the medical industry whose only qualification for speaking with authority on this subject is the Blood of Jesus. Here I share a collection of my personal testimonies and simple explanations of some of the ways the God of the Universe has humbled Himself to speak to me.

I make no claim to have discovered the definitive list of the only ways He will speak, instead I would like you to think of each chapter as an introduction to a different aspect of the Father's Voice. Some of the ways I talk about receiving from the Father might be familiar, while others might be almost unheard of to you. Each of these chapters were written prayerfully and in the fear of the lord, and none of them are based on experience alone. Each of the concepts I introduce in the book have a strong biblical basis that I pull from and because of that, I am prepared to stand before the seat of judgement with a pure heart.

The purpose of this book is to invite each of you into a personal conversation with the Holy Spirit, and I fully recognize that this is a place of anxiety and fear for many believers because we face an enemy that is the chief among deceivers. Reading this book will by no means end his attempt to tempt and deceive you, but we have been given a sure fire way to reveal any deception that would come against us;

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God..."- 1 John 1-3

So, I exhort you to take anything that you are unsure of and test it against this verse. The Holy Spirit has a favorite subject; Its Jesus! It is His nature to glorify Christ, and He will never do or say something contrary to His nature.

All of the blessings and trials that have molded me into the man I am today, start and end with His voice. It is my sincere hope that as you read this book your faith is ignited to believe in the God who speaks. It does not matter who you are, God wants to have a conversation with you! He doesn't speak in mysterious riddles, or vague signs, He speaks clearly and simply. You don't need a degree to know God on an intimately and no amount of experience is needed for a life of daily communication with Jesus. In fact it says in Hebrews 8:11

"No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest."

This promise is for everyone, yet most people I talk to in the church regard "hearing from God" as some sort of mystical and possibly blasphemous activity. Yet it is my experience and sincere belief that Jesus died so you could talk straight to the Father, and hear Him reply.

This book is an invitation to start the most engaging and life giving conversation of all time. In the following chapters I have laid out some basic ways God speaks to His people. In most chapters I have included a prayer that I invite you to pray with me. Each prayer is carefully crafted as a starting point for those who want more of what I describe in the chapter, but do not know where to begin.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with love by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13

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