Untitled Part 1

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It was a lonelyy day in shrk's swamop,he knows needed a dew lovvverv; snce fioooooooona hae a dievorse; so hey have to go outside in and serm for a nw one.

Shork was seachoinhg aroiound in the weeds unrill she found a edgehog naome sheaadow.

He ehad black and red quillls that waere charimg, hes baedy was liek silk that came out form the coulds from aboive, shaedow's shoes and gloves wree verey fainshonable, matehciong his leavely outgit, hes fiftey shaedows fof read wes loike bllodo came from a woldf shoewiering owevr heinm.

Shrek haed to meeet haim, hei walked oaver to hikm,"Wat a lovenrly BEAUTY thong yer r" sSHreak said. "WOT, Whew da heail aere youuuuuu?" Sheadow assked, "WOI immm shroik, oi lierv in a swomp ya awnna join me?" Shrko said. "NU" Shedaow reploid,"Oh end btw, its shaedow, shaedow teh edgeh0og" Shadow leff in tee distomce.

Shork was crryingg, he wes creiing so loudle y thaet he nenede a lllllliuve r to be weit,then shorkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk god pessed end insonie he rose up and ggoen into a killlllllling spoinre.

He kiolled everoyne,shedow saew hinm and wews shooked; "WAY DA HELL!??!" Fifty shades of shadow yeelled,"Ei dddeid thiss bekcauhse i lokkkkkve youuuu, sheidow"

Shroke saied to his cruuuuuuuuuuuuuush. "BUUUUUUUUUUTTT EHOUUUUUUUUUUUUUY" Shadiow asssssed,"Evurythoing, urr choirming quuuuuuills, silkkkkkkkSskkkkkkkwy boooooooooooddddy, fashiiiionebel gloes and shoes, adn your fiftey shoed s of grey blooooed wolf eieys is thee reasons wy i eeeeeeeely u" Shroke reponded "well u stail lave me?" Shrek asekmd

"Nu" Shadewi respliredd "If tayr goannat asedk weby,iiiiiiiiies bbeeeeeeeeaaaaceu u torn psy-gangam style shit cratey preetyl liiiiiiiiiiiiiitelllllle psyico a u kiiiiedl eveeeeeerty one w ur deamotic psyfoctic supersaying pewers, eu sha ell neeeeewvr evereeterv everveveg luv u everv" Shhhwedie repilieded end weant ooooooof f

Shrok was heart broooookedn, his is whey fionanan divvvvvvore himmmmm, heei haed thesi psy-gangam style shit cratey preetyl liiiiiiiiiiiiiitelllllle psyico deamotic psyfoctic supersaying pewers aend kieeld hhhheis friedns. Shorek wers 5ever broken hearted

the end 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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