Entry 1 - Wednesday June 4th

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Wednesday, June 4th

Dear Queen,


    I know I haven't wrote anything in a while, the life of a 20-year-old black queen isn't that interesting. For the past month, my life has been pretty much the same thing: wake up, go to school, go to work, come home, do more work, sleep, and repeat. The reason I decided to write today is because I was faced with a situation today at work. My situation is one that I feel shouldn't have happened, but I wanted to talk about it because a lot of people don't know that things like this still happen. It was very hard for me to keep my mouth closed and not comment back. The only reason I didn't is because I must stay professional at work. So, I was at work and a group of 6 Mexican guys, maybe about 23 - 25 at most, came up to me. They all looked the same for the most part: black hair, thrasher t-shirt, and a pair white Adidas. The oldest, or the one I’ll assume is the oldest, decided to make a snarky remark “a black person would be working at chicken palace”. and the rest decided to laugh, encourage him even, except the one in the back, youngest maybe, or maybe the middle child who doesn't follow the crowd. Either way he just smirked, as if it was funny but he was scared to laugh. He mostly just looked like he was following them. But for the sake of my job i kept my mouth closed, and took their order. Now, if I wasn't at work I would have went off on them. Telling them how racist and rude they are. Telling them that as people of color we should all stick together. Not that they would listen or anything. But it would feel like I had some sense of justice. As if I gave them something to think about when they go to bed.  I'm sure if I had been Mexican or any other race I would have just been hit on, but I guess that's what happens when you are a black female.



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