[000] : author's note: content warning.

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hello, and welcome to my book.

diving right in: this book will have some things that are not appropriate for younger audiences. i recommend that 13+ readers only should continue.

for all my viewers who have mental illnesses/special mental needs, this book is a minefield of triggers. i have listed them below so that you know what to avoid, and i will list each particular triggering theme included in a chapter at the beginning of each one.

triggers: somewhat graphic depictions of violence, death, blood, gore, rape, depression/self-harm, verbal/physical abuse, bullying (specifics include homophobic and racial slurs and misogyny).

general content warnings: explicit language, somewhat explicit depictions of sex, alcohol/drug mentions and use.

remember, this book is heavily thriller/horror based; if you don't think you can handle suspense, terror, paranormal themes, or anything scary, don't read this book, don't send me angry messages or post angry comments, and don't blame any sleepless nights on me.

enjoy my writing, loves.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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