Who Are You?

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"Kairi! Where are you!?", I yelled as loud as my voice let me. Kairi and I were having a 'playdate', our parents called it, when these horrifying creatures appeared. The bright, sunny sky turned into a dark, ominous nebula. These odd creatures came from the ground and would follow anyone who was close. People ran in terror and tried to hide but no one could escape. Kairi and I tried to find our parents in the crowd and got separated. The second I saw she was gone I went to look for her. Unfortunately, I never found her...

My eyes widen as I awaken from my sleep.
'That same dream...', I thought.
I stand and brush my hair before walking to the grey room to talk to Saix about my mission. On the way there I began to think more about my dream.
'Why is it always the same? Why must I be reminded of that horrible day?'
When I arrived to the grey room I decided to sit down on one of the couches and try to calm my nerves.
"Having a rough morning cupcake?"
I groan in annoyance as I recognize that voice.
"Hello, Axel. How many times must I remind you that's not my name?", I reply.
"Aw come on! I think that nickname suits you (Your organization name)."
"I'd rather be called my actual name, thank you."
"Alright, alright. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Did you have that same dream again?"
"Do you really need to ask?"
"I guess not. But if you ever have a different one I want to hear about it", He says.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Just then Saix walks into the room and glares at the both of us.
"Must you always have that grim expression on your face?", I ask him.
"Just go on your mission (Y/O/N). You are to travel to Castle Oblivion and observe the keyblade weilder."
"Really?!?", I ask in shock. "This is the first time I've been sent there. Are you sure I'm ready?"
"In my personal opinion no, but master Xemnas thinks you are."
"Alright then."
I open a portal to the castle and look at the structure.
"What an odd form for a castle", I say to myself. I walk into the castle and roam around looking for the person with the keyblade. I began to grow tired and found a room with a table and some chairs. As I sat down I began to feel uneasy - as if there was another presence in this room. I slowly looked around me and found a girl sitting on a chair in the corner. She had light, blonde hair and pale skin. Her eyes were a shimmering shade of blue that made her presence seem calm. As if knowing I was staring, her head lifted and her eyes made contact with mine. The second I moved my body to face her, she flinched and hid behind her sketchbook. I became confused at her action and looked at her with worry.
"Are you okay?", I ask.
She moves the sketchbook down slightly to look at me again.
"Y-you aren't going to attack me?" She asked.
"What? Why would I attack you?"
"Well you're with the organization right?"
"Yeah, but that still doesn't answer my question", I say.
The girl looks down at her feet, looking as though she is confused.
"May I ask what your name is?"
Her face lifts and looks at me.
"Naminé", she stated.
"That's a pretty name!"
"What is your purpose for being here?", She asked suddenly.
"Well I'm on a mission to observe some keyblade weilder in the castle but I haven't had such luck."
"Why do you need to observe him?"
"Honestly, I'm not quite sure. They just told me to and I went on my way. This is my first time coming here to this castle so I don't really know my way around."
"I see...."
"Eh?!? Y-yes?"
"Can you show me around the castle?", I ask the girl.
"I'm not supposed to leave this room. If I do I'll be punished."
"What why?"
The girl just sat there silently.
"Well how about you just accompany me and when I have to leave you just come back here?"
"I'm not sure-"
"Oh don't worry about it. If something happens with whomever is watching over you, I'll just explain to them the situation okay?", I told her as I grab her wrist and drag her out of the room. For most of the time, Naminé stayed quiet. I tried to talk to her about the castle and why she was there but she wouldn't answer those types of questions. Her aura felt familiar to me somehow too. I didn't really understand why but it felt comforting also. Soon our tour of the castle came to an end and I still didn't find the keyblade weilder.
"Hey, Naminé, would you like me to escort you back to that room we were in earlier?"
"No it's okay. I can manage to get there on my own."
"Alright, well thank you for the tour! I hope I can see you again."
With those words, Namine's face began to blush. I giggled at her expression and opened a portal back to the grey room. As I walked through the portal I felt something was off. As I was about to go report to Saix, Axel walked up to me.
"There you are! I've been waiting for you to get back."
"Sorry, was I gone long?"
"That doesn't matter now. I just had to tell you to go see Xemnas. He has been meaning to talk with you."
"With me? Really?"
"Yes, now go!"
"Okay, talk to ya later!", I yell as I run out of the room. I soon became tired of running and slowed down to a walking pace. When I got to the round room I knocked on the door.
"Enter", A voice said. As I walked in I saw Saix and Xemnas sitting in their big chairs.
"You wished to see me sir?"
"Yes, come and sit", Xemnas said. I walked over to a chair and sat down. When I was comfy my chair lifted.
"(Y/O/N), do you know why you are here?", Saix asked.
"Nope", I replied.
"It's about Naminé", Xemnas said.
"Okay, what about her?"
"We currently had her under surveillance in a room in Castle Oblivion. Now all progress on her is stalled."
"What do you mean sir?"
"Naminé is a witch who can take apart or change the keyblade weilder's memories. When she left the room, she wasn't doing her job. If she doesn't do her job then the information we need will be stalled. We don't have the time for that. If she continues to stall we must get rid of her."
"But why? She seemed so nice! Her leaving the room was my fault sir, so please don't blame her for the delay. I asked her to show me around the castle in hopes of finding the weilder of the keyblade. If I had only known what her task was, I wouldn't have let her leave", I explained.
"Very well, (Y/O/N). But as punishment, I'm sending Marluxia with you on your next mission there."
"Yes sir", I said.
"Dismissed", Xemnas said. I nodded at his words and left to my room. As my head laid on the pillow I began to wonder about Naminé.
'Is she really a witch? Even so, she still acts too nice for one of her kind. Pretty too! But why? Why does she remind me of someone?'
My mind raced for what felt like hours until my body gave into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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