How you Two Met

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Your name: ___

Your favorite color: (f/c)

        It was another same old day in the Phantomhive household. The staff is running around like lunatics and the master is in his office. I was never interested by the owner and got bored real fast. The reason why I’m here is to see the butler.

He was a tall man with long black hair. He had a smile that swoon me like the wind. I could have sworn that he had red eyes, but when I looked at him he seemed to have oak brown eyes. I still melt whenever he talks, especially if he is talking to me. He is also one heck of a dancer when in the ballroom. And don’t get me started when he starts playing the violin. He is what he quotes “one hell of a butler.”

 “Miss ___. Would you like some tea?” I was snapped out of my day dream by this voice. I turned to see him. “Speak of the devil.” I muttered. “Pardon me?” Sebastian said with a smile. “Oh, u-um n-nothing. I would l-love a cup of t-tea and perhaps a c-cookie or two.” I said trembling. “Excuse me, but are you alright, Miss ___? Your face is all red, are you getting a fever?” I didn’t notice that my face was so red. “No, I’m fine. I just feel a little light headed.” Sebastian wasn’t convinced but left me to be anyway. Sebastian then left to the kitchen, and I started bursting out in anger at myself thinking, ‘NO! NO! NO, ___! You got to get a hold of yourself! Besides, he probably has someone else he’s interested in! He wouldn’t want to go out with a girl like you!’

I wasn’t the prettiest apple in the bunch. My parents always tried to make me feel better by ravishing me with all of the most expensive toys and clothing they could find. Even when I’m at parties people try to be friendly with me because I was so rich. I didn’t really have any real friends, until I came here. I first came here when I was on business with my father and started to come as much as I can. I was good friends with Finnian, Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Tanaka. I felt like family here.

“Miss ___, here is your te-. Miss ___, are you alright?” I didn’t here Sebastian come in and found myself crying. “N-no, I-I’m alright S-Sebastian. J-just give m-me a m-moment.” I was then pulled into a hug by Sebastian. I was really shocked due to this; Sebastian doesn’t do this to other girls, right? “I-I’m sorry my lady. I-I didn’t know w-what came over me. I-I’ll just leave you her-.”

I then grabbed Sebastian’s sleeve just when he was about to leave. “Please stay. I’m fine if you want to hold me. Can I tell you something? Just please don’t freak out.” Sebastian just nodded and waited for me to speak. “I like you! I’ve liked you since the day we met and I hope that you will accept my confession! You can deny if you have a girl-!” I was then pulled into a kiss from Sebastian. I was shocked and stiff at first, but then loosened up after a while. We then backed away due to needing to breath and Sebastian said, “I’ve like you too, ___.” I was silent when I heard this, how could someone so magnificent like him love someone like me?

“I know that I shouldn’t be in love with you due to my contract, but I’ve kept my eye on you since I first laid eyes on you, Miss ___.” I was then curious about the “contract” he said. “Contract? Does the earl not let you meet others?” He chuckled and replied, “No, Miss ___. It’s not that kind of contract. You’ll find out sooner or later.”

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