Chapter one: The monster girl

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Your POV

I was walking on my way to school ( can be any grade 4 - high school ) when I was heard a  kid's voice I've never heard before." Heya, y/n " he said glaring at me I turned around to see a guy and pushed me on the floor in the front of school. I was picking  up all my books I've drew in and as was about to pick up my book I've written and colored before he grabbed it and I blushed a deep ( pink or red ).he laughed at my book and threw it at my face."nerd,who writes a story about the ugly monsters and who on earth calls it The Underground?"he said and was about to leave until I said something to calm down my temper" their not ugly unlike you " I said under my breath "what was that?" he said glaring at me " I said nothing so can you just go? " I said in annoyed voice  and he stomped off as I just walked away with sadness in me. My book isn't that bad right? I was just thinking about in class it till I saw him!with his friends of jocks! AT MY SCHOOL! I was so scared,I just went to finish my book I've been making .It was art class after all. I was on the second page,writing away till I saw the jocks, smirking at me!without even thinking, I ran. They were chasing me and were about to reached the door of the front school and were caught by my principal. Giving me the chance to leave the school I ran all the way to a forest with snow on it. I was scared when I heard a girls scream and went to help her . She was being hit by rocks and sticks punching her she was called monster hugger and the thing the jocks always called me " monster girl "when I headed that I was beyond mad I was angry then ever  I was not going to let someone and else get called that .I ran to them a and hit them. I heard a strange voice that sounded like my head and called out to me " what have I told you for Frisk, their all monsters not us .See?what that girl just did? She's a monster but then again, she understands that humans can be cruel." I turned around to see the cute little girl." Ah,thank goodness! They were chasing me!I was worried that I couldn't make it back home and I couldn't outrun them and -"she seemed really talkative and very nervous when she spoke to me"It's okay " "Th-thank you for understanding!And thank you for not being apart of that!!I knew a human was around here but I didn't excspect to meet you like this!" "So do you want to go home?"I said with no care at all "Huh?you mean you'll take me home?"  "sure if you want" "wow!even though your a human, your super nice! thank you!" she seemed really happy but in grief at the same time. Odd."my names frisk what's your name?" Frisk sounds nice for a girl "y/n" I replied with a sigh of breath coming out of my mouth. I was cold after all."alright y/n,help me get home"frisk grabbed my hand we were walking together till I heard a voice. It was the jock .Great . Just great,just what every ( age) year old girl needs, a boy issue."y -y/n!I know you ! your the one one who hit me I won't forget this!"he stormed off and I really was proud that time"You really did scare him off ! thanks y/n!" "Sure no problem" I said sighing to the boy's remark on me punching those other guys." I'd like to repay you ! " "Nah ,I'm good."But you've totally helped me out ! I won't leave until I find a way to help."she started inspecting me and asked me a series of questions"your dress is so cute!"frisk commented and looked at my back dress with pink ruffles on the bottom of the dress .She looked at my hands and saw them shaking against my chest and asked"Aren't you cold?you don't have a jacket on" "not really" I said as I coughed and pressed my hand against my forehead and realized I was cold!but I didn't have the guts to tell her. She looks at my waist and asks really confused" Are you sure? you look skinny!you can't k"y/neep out in the cold for too long!"she said and pressed her hand on my head and found out I was cold."y/n, I know what I can do for you,I'm gonna let you stay at my house for a few days then you can go back home !""well, Ok then"I was beyond happy, but filled with... DETERMINATION.

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