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Gone. Whizzer is gone. The love of my life, no longer here to hug and kiss and cuddle and spend time with. You have no idea what I would do to spend only one hour more to hold and kiss him, but I can't.
I look down at what surrounds me. In one hand I'm holding those cards you get at funerals, you know, there's a picture of the person that died and how long they lived.
I'm also holding a container of pills. I've never been a suicidal or bad person, but I lied to my dear friend Charlotte that I needed some pills for this sickness I have. I guess I'm not entirely lying, my sickness is that I don't have Whizzer anymore.
I stare at the picture of Whizzer and start to cry, but I'm still smiling "I'll see you soon my love"
Just as I throw all the pills into my mouth and swallow it, I hear the door open and people come inside "Marvin, I don't think that you should be allowed with those pills" its Charlotte "dad please, she needs them back" and Jason.
Jason. I forgot about him. My son, how could I ever be stupid enough to forget about him?
That doesn't matter anymore though. I collapse, or at least my body does, though I feel as though I'm flying. I look down from above. Jason and Charlotte have kicked open my locked door and are screaming. Jason starts having a panic attack and Charlotte is too busy checking my body so Jason is left to himself. Cordelia comes running in and hugs him tightly, telling him what looks like soothing words, which makes his panicking end. I smile at this.
An "ahem" forces me to turn around. And there he is. Whizzer "so you gave up your family and friends and entire life just to be with me?" I smile and nod "of course, I would be a mess down there without you. During the week I would be so depressed with no one to talk to and-" Whizzer puts a finger to my lips "shh, I don't want this to get depressing, since you're here already, I thought that it would be nice to do this again" he holds my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer and we kiss as though everything has been alright for the past week.

Without You Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ