The Birthday

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It was my Birthday I was turning 10 and my parents said I could have a party or presents.Well being 10 I chose a party.My sis was saying you should have gone with presents because we were going to Fazbear's Pizzeria! She hates that place because she went there when the first restaurant was open and 5 of her friends went missing.
She's told me things like someone killed her friends and it wasn't an accident.

We were on our way to the new pizzeria my friends Jace, Iasi, Jasmine, Melody, Arlo, and I plied into the truck my friends had all been here before not for there Birthday thou. They were with other friends and the got strange things like parts of them. But, they still came with still they are the best friends!

As we were there we played with arcade machines, ate a ton of food Chica even brought us cake! Then I got to pick one animtoronic to get a present from. I choose the Puppet I got a music box. But, normally you don't get that. It was strange. A bit after we went to get some prizes I got so many pushieys the bag said on it "they're your best friends!"I didn't know that would soon be true. After that we went and sat down. I said "Guys I going to get some sodas don't leave k?" But, when I came back they weren't there I heard screams the before I knew it the police where here and I was evquated.

Ok I know I'm bad at spelling sorry also I've gotten ideas from other story's so I want to try to post this story's daily if you guys like it!!!! Also goodbye till next time! :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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