The First Sighting

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Finally the school bell rang. I fumbled with my bag and finally got my things in. I slowly got up, my bones clicking as I stood up. "I really need to work out" I mumbled to myself. I talk to myself a lot. I try not to but it's become a habit. People give me weird stares, but I'm quite used to it now.

When the teacher eventually let us out, I trudged out the door and out the building, heading for home.

I felt in my pockets for change, I had 75p! I just had to spend this change on    sugar, so I dashed to the corner store to buy some gum or something.

You know that look that clerks give to you? Those looks that tell you exactly how much they hate their life. Their soulless stares and fed up attitude. I slid the gum I wanted to buy along with my money onto the desk. The man took my money without his eyes leaving mine. It was so intimidating!

I hurried out and turned left to head to my street. I put on my ear buds and started listening to nightcore. I couldn't hear anything apart from my music.

As I turned onto my street, out of the corner of my eye I noticed some man, in a dark hoodie following me. With my anxiety, I obviously jumped to conclusions but I managed to brush it off and get to my house.

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